The ND Insurance Dept. will only check if your insurance did anything illegal with your claim. I had to get a lawyer to help me with my claim. Time to defund the State Insurance Dept cause they do not help the taxpayers that pay their wages
A few years ago, an 18-year-old girl turned into the empty parking spot next to my wife's Yukon and hit it. Her parents had USAA insurance. USAA were bastages to get ahold of, they wouldn't even respond to our insurance company, until we called and sent paperwork to the ND state insurance commissioner and about 1 week after he contacted USAA we received a check for the full cost of repairs.
I called insurance commision because i wanted to fix my own vehicle and the insurance company was refusing. The commision said to bad you dont have a TAX ID. So yeah they want me to pay taxes therefore insurance company can make you take it in. State is missing tax revenue if you do it yourself......
I took vehicle in and it cost the insurance company $1k more then what i wanted to settle with them for. People wonder why their rates are so high..all adds up.