Food plot #??? db-2


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
Still do not have a decent photo of that moose. However if the theory about 10" between eyes or 10' long ear then it would measure 50". Note sure if even close to being what it is. But the guy who calls moose with his voice and called this moose up 6 times for a bow hunter who miss all 6 times also called this moose up with a friend as they where standing on the road and videoing. Came up to within 15 feet as stated by him and at that time they got concern about what would happen next. Nice video and maybe I can find out how to post.

Any guess as to width?

After I was told to leave forever from my 1.7 acres that I own for the last 20 years by the neighbor who just moved in, the elk herd came and it took them about 3-4 days to clean my plot out. They been gone for about a week now. Damn things. I had about 30 and a friend went to his stand toward the other side of the mountains. Had 70 elk in front of him and then 30 more came from the south and all went to Canada. Guy in Canada stated there are 300 elk up there so we had about 1/3 of them. I think there are more than 300 up there. Called game and fish and I guess I need to live with it. Will post some pictures of that herd and the other bulls if I can find out how to work that. To damn old and do not have a grandkid at home to show me how. db


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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 27, 2015
what a moose!

whats up with the doushe neighbor?
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★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
A story that is to long but will write for my own moving forward:

Twenty years ago i purchased less than two acres on an abandon RR track. I was told at that time that there will be a problem with me moving into that territory with the neighbors. Found out later no one gets along up there and they all tell you that.

About the fourth year my son shot his second whitetail buck with a bow at this site. A decent buck with nice accessories. However he did hit him in the front shoulder and arrow did not go in very deep. We did look for some time for the deer and finally i (will call them the clan for now) went over to the clan's grandmother and asked her if i could come up the next day with my son and search in two of her shelterbelts. She said yes. The next day we got there the grandson knew we where coming and had walk the shelterbelts after i had left and found the deer. So that ended us finding the deer. For $250 I could have the horns and another $50 last year's sheds of this deer.

Then one night my wife and I where having a beer at the local pup when two of the clans 20 some year old came with friends to the bar. As they where walking up to us one grab a pool stick off the pool table and said lets kill him. My wife ask me who they where and I said I do know but you must have piss them off sometime. I was not about to just walk away but it ended up only in trash talk so I went to the other end of the bar and my wife decided to visit with them. She started calling them pretty boys and I will admit the tall one came to me to say he was sorry.

Then another night as the wife and I where visiting with friends again at the local pup another of their 20 some year old came and decide to join in with his trash talk. After a few minutes my wife said enough and invited the kid out the back door. A few minutes later she came back in but the kid did not. I never asked and she never told me what happen out there.

Then when I thought I was still okay with one of the kids. I have a young five point coming up that I found the sheds with a score of around 115. The next year it again came up and the score was in the low 140s. They had a stand next to me and I ask the kids if we did not shoot this deer maybe next year it could be a 160-170 class buck for one of us. Well two weeks after this a guy told me the kid was telling people about me asking him not to kill so he went up and sat in my stand, shot the deer and told all how good it was with all the corn I had fed it.
For me, it was now time, I needed to get involve which I did and the next day the kid's dad told me I needed to apologize. Fat chance with that ass hole.
This year they bought the 130 acres next to me. As I was up there at noon on opening day at my stand they drove up from the west and proceeded to put poster signs up on my trees. I met them and said you walked a little to far east no/yes. He said no, the fence as he looked around is right behind me. So I was told as a outsider I had no rights up here ect. and that they will bulldoze every tree down. I came back with the classical f you. So there goes 10 acres of trees and swamp which represents 95% of the cover at this spot. However there are other patches of trees so I guess that will end there mapieing off of me with no trees and I'm not leaving.
There is a survey market at the south west corner of my 1.7 acres and the old fence line is about 12 feet on my land.
The two grandsons of mine (about 10) and one granddaughter (6) went up there for about two hours over the weekend, used a chain saw to cut down what was left of the wood post, handyman jack to lift the steel t post up or what was left of them and took three giant steps to the west and replanted them there t post. so there. Now I got three stands of wire in the dirt and grass to pull out. My daughter was proud/happy with me for getting her kids involve (maybe some concern). But it was a fun afternoon and I guess they never knew what was really going on. Just a good afternoon with the grand kids doing sometime together. Some good quality time.

Well between them and the elk I need to move, it just I hate to give up the memories. Over twenty years I have shot three bucks with the bow including my first and one that nets 167 and some change, son has shot some of his bigger bucks with the bow there and a number of young kids have shot there first bow kill up there. But I have 7 other active food plots to the west about 15 miles and to the east about 25 miles with one about 1/2 mile north of this plot and one under construction a little over a mile east.

I think they may not like me but I also think I have gotten to them for not putting a tail between my legs and running. I think they are use to having their ways.
That's my side and there is more to add but to long already and I am sure there verse is somewhat different. And I may not have help it out either. I think it really was my wives doing with the kid out the back door. Stupid, but still fun I guess as long as I understand the need to focus on the other plots, what is really my goal with my remaining time on earth and to use the 1.7 acres to create some new memories even if to just plain piss one off. db
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
Lol wow that must be some killer habitat for all of 1.7 acres. Sounds like the animals are stacked on there like cord wood!


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
After many years at this spot, at first with only bait and then and now a big part is the food plot, deer live elsewhere but come to the plot. A few years ago went there where deer still in ND, I counted 126 deer in front of me in the small opening one time without counting those in the trees, and twice I count 12 bucks at the same time within reach of my arrow. Yes every year for 20 years now my son and I could of shot a buck however that was not the goal. It was good. But then came the elk and the neighbor. db


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New member
Nov 30, 2018
Really you saw 126 deer on 1.7 acres or are you watching your neighbors plot! I just can’t wrap my mind around 126 deer on 1.7 acres!

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That’s a pretty nice garden you have on your little plot!

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Where I come from the deer isn’t yours until it’s in the back of your truck! Sounds like your neighbor was kind enough to let you have the horns off the deer, which died on their property. Maybe it cost you some money but that’s the risk you take when you don’t deliver a kill shot.
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New member
Nov 30, 2018
Just trying to figure out all this bs?? Is he talking about a food plot or is he talking bs behind peoples back. Just seems a little fishy!


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 19, 2015
It’s that time of year again. Chisel plowed all the plots today and broadcast seeded and harrow drug 3 acres of alfalfa and perennial clover/chicory blend. Plan on putting in 4 acres of corn in one of the plots, 2 acres of winter rye/peas in another plot and will do another 2 acres of millet/sorghum for the pheasants. Any one else started yet.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
i bet it is all bs, you think

Too soon up here yet, if no rain farmers may be in field end of week but for me it will be later than that. Looking forward as I have a lot to do. Was to retire the end of January, then Feb, then March and now April but boss indicated one more month, need to say no.
Another season with all its hopes. db
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