If you would treat Mrs. JuanR better, she would quit kicking you in the knee. ;:;rofl That almost looks like its going to start stinking soon. ;:;barfJoshi now has his practice at the clinic in Watford City.
Go see a GOOD orthopedist. They can feel if it's unstable.
Pussy, rub some dirt on it and get back out there. I know all of us eastern nodak boys wouldnt even have a bruise. How many Busch lights were consumed prior to this fall?
Look up Dr. Joshi. Hes about the best orthopedic surgeon in the state.
He fixed my knee when I broke the patellar tendon. I was out in Montana on an elk hunt about 3 months after it happened. Another thing that really helps with the swelling is ultrasound therapy. My chiropractor does it for me and I can tell you first hand it is phenomenal for taking down swelling and reducing pain.
Your the first person I've ever heard say Joshi is the best. I've heard more bad things about the surgeries he has done to people. My Dad had a torn rotator cuff worked on by him, he claimed to have fixed it, sent my dad to therapy and his shoulder never got better, Dad goes back to see Joshi and Joshi tells him oh by the way I couldn't fix it or it didn't hold or something like that. So Dad goes to Bismarck to the Bone and Joint center and has a shoulder reversal done. Have heard of at least two other people that had rotator cuffs worked on by him that basically got screwed up worse than before.
I used to laugh at his commericals on TV, He had a young lady who played volleyball praising him and telling how good of job he did on her three knee surgeries. I'd laugh thinking if she'd have went somewhere else she'd have only needed one surgery instead of three.
JR were you window peeping again and then fell off that ledge?
I agree on an MRI.
I also have an Ultrasound Machine and they are worth their weight in gold. If i was back in NoDak you could have certainly used it.
Go see a good Orthopedic guy/gal and just be ready when they start moving or pushing with their thumb on your knee. When they hit the right spot believe me it will light you up! :;:exactly