Brenda update:
Sorry it has been a few months but things have been both up and down and hectic at times, along with my back and neck giving me problems.
Brenda has undergone 2 different times of bone biopsies. Both times they have come back with no cancer detected now but there are some abnormal cells in those 2 vertebraes.
The tumor is now gone which is a total miracle and all of her Doctors said this is very very rare to happen especially where hers were and how they were wrapped around the vertebraes. Her T2 and T3 both were collapsed 70% from the cancer and Proton Radiation. They went in and did a cement job in trying to build those 2 back up. That helped somewhat but in doing so, some leaked out of both of those spots and are now causing her bad pain as it is irritating the nerves and muscles where it leaked. They are hoping that she will get used to it and will be less painful for her, but as of now it isn't getting any less and with any little activity it sets off the muscles spasms and pain.
Also while doing the cement job they somehow punctured her left lung. She was supposed to be able to go home after the surgery but she ended up in the hospital for 9 days as they tried to get her left lung back to normal. One chest tube didn't do it so after 3 days they put in a second one. That poor girl was in so darn much pain and there was nothing I could do for her.
Anyway she got home and we are still dealing with the cement pain and she gets pain where they put the chest tubes in her left side.
She at least now can walk without a walker or cane as her balance is getting better every month somewhat. Her air is getting better too but we have to walk slow and not very far before she is played out and needs more air. It has been coming along slowly but at least it is coming along. A few months ago the outlook wasn't good at all and now at least things look positive.
She is still undergoing Chemo once every 2 weeks and they want her to do it for a minimum of a year and possibly longer IF she can continue to tolerate it. So far so good with that. Her ankles and feet swell up after treatments and her eyes tend to water more too. But she can eat and only had a few days of upset stomach with this Chemo that she is receiving now.
They continue giving her CT scans every so many weeks to keep an eye on those spots and to make sure it isn't spreading.
The spot on her brain hasn't increased at all so that is good news too and they aren't sure if that is possibly from a mini stroke or if it is cancer.
We have so much to be thankful for and both of us believe that prayers had so much to do with how things have turned out. Like I said before, even her Doctors are surprised and said, continue doing what you have been doing as it is certainly working! We have had so many people praying for her/us and many who we don't even know or haven't met in person. People down her in Payson and even the Churches here have put her on their prayer list. People back home in ND and people on this Forum who have prayed for her and sent cards and PM us with their kind words and some even sent her gifts. We have been so very blessed and this is all so humbling believe me.
She wants to sit down and read this thread from start to finish, but so far she can't get past the first few comments and she starts crying about how people who we haven't met have prayed and sent words of encouragment and once again it is so very humbling!
So this is where we are now and once again thank you to all for your thoughts, prayers, and cards/gifts. Each and every one of them is appreciated and please continue to do so.
We hope and pray that each one of you has a great Christmas and don't forget to thank the Lord for our blessings and for our friends who care about each other. Remember to hug your loved ones and let them know each and everyday how much you love them and how much they mean to you!
Once again thank you my friends and God bless each and every one of you and your families too.
John & Brenda