It has been 2 weeks since i have been on here and those have been 2 weeks from Hell for my bride.
2 weeks ago we had to take her to the E.R. as she was having bad reactions to some of her medications and they had to ween her off her medications to try and figure out what was causing the reactions. That took 4-5 days and she was in the hospital the whole time. Then she got out and she was out about 2 days or so and all of a sudden her temperature was over 103 and i had to call 911 at 2:30 in the morning and they came and the ambulance hauled her to the E.R. again and they admitted her into the hospital for 3-4 more days running all kinds of tests and scans and couldn't find the cause of it but kept her on IV antibiotics the whole time. They said they thought it was from either the radiation or the Chemo as it sometimes happens as ones immune system is totally shut down or out of whack. Nothing else showed up, so once again she got discharged. Now just on Friday she started having swelling in her abdomen and now in her legs and ankles. Guessing it is from her steroids she is on, but hopefully she will be ok until we meet with the Doctor on Monday, to see if it is that or something else.
This poor girl just can't seem to catch a break, as it is one thing after the other. It isn't bad enough to have the tumor, cancer, and severe pain, she has to have these other things to compound the other problems!
During her 2 stays in the hospital she had to miss 3 Proton Radiation treatments, so they will add that onto her ending date and hopefully she won't miss any more treatments. She has been lucky with the Chemo and hasn't missed any of those treatments so far. She just got done with week 4, so 2 1/2 more weeks of radiation and 2 weeks of Chemo left before she will have 6-8 weeks off and then retest to see how things are going so far. That is IF i haven't gotten any of this screwed up and believe me, I possibly do have some of it screwed up. We are both needing some much needed rest and we are both shot mentally and physically but she needs it much more than I.
Appreciate the well wishes, prayers, texts, emails, and PM's and Brenda enjoys reading each one of them and cries every time she reads one. You all have touched our lives in a very special way and we thank God for each and every one of you!
Until next time.