Brenda did start both her Chemo and Proton Beam Radiation Therapy this past Monday.
Things went pretty well from both of them. Chemo is once per week on Monday's and the Proton Beam Therapy is Monday - Friday.
She gets very tired quite easily and hasn't slept very well other than one night and then again last night. Constipation is an ongoing issue and with everything else going on, that is the last thing that she needs.
Some days the pain is tolerable and then some days it is almost totally unbearable. This is of course with her pain medications.
She has been stating the last 2 times of Proton Therapy, she has a tightness in her chest and we will mention that to the Doctor when we meet with the Proton Therapy Doctor on Monday. Her treatments they said this past week, will be a minimum or 6-7 weeks of the above and then tests after that will decide what will occur after that.
Don't have hardly any cell coverage when down in the Concourse where the Proton Therapy is in use. Also haven't been on this Forum as trying to just keep up with her Mayo Portal as things change daily with her schedules. Monday is quite hectic with meeting with her Doctors, then Chemo, then another blood test, then another test or two, and finally her Proton Therapy late on Monday so we get to Mayo before 7 a.m. and don't get out of Mayo until after 7:30 p.m., so a super long day and she is shot from all the meetings and treatments and no rest whatsoever. Then the rest of the week it is tests, treatments, meeting with therapists and other staff, and having to deal with getting her pain medications as our Medication Insurance is bucking on paying for such high dosages of pain medications, even with the Doctors certifying they are needed. So far the other Medications they haven't bucked on, but just the Pain Medications. So the credit card is getting zinged pretty good. More stress, a gift that just keeps on giving!
Anyway appreciate all the kind words, prayers, texts, and emails from so many of you! I don't answer many of them as I am getting bombarded with texts and emails from family and friends too. Told many of them, if you don't hear from us, it is good news and if anything big happens, we will update. They all mean well and are super concerned but the stress of all this and then trying to keep up with answering things, it just got to be too much for this old fart! So hoping you all understand.
Take care and God bless each and every one of you and your families!
Hug, kiss, & tell each one of them how much you love, need, and cherish them. Life is way too short and we often put our attentions on things that we think are important at the time, but in the big picture, family is what matters!
Thank you once again my friends, as this Forum, is a life saver for me!