Any of you fellas every eaten wild boar? Serious question. While the better half and I were in Arizona this past month, we encountered a couple of wild boars that came into the back yard at the VRBO we were staying at. Fence kept them out or I'm sure my dog would have tried to defend her ground...and probably lost...At any rate....I mentioned this to an older gent and he said.....wild boar is actually good tasting....well..the truly wild ground swine is 100% antibiotics, no hormones/steroids added.. So.... I decided to buy a lb of it. I will keep the peanut gallery posted on the taste. 1 lb was $9.99. Label states....and I quote..Wild Boar- SInce the Boars are truly wild, they are entirely Free- Range, with no added hormones, steroids or antibiotics. Their "natural" diet includes wild nuts, fruits,roots, and tubers.