Major League Fishing In Hills


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Going to try this again while monitoring the thumb heels around the space bar. I've got just enough "Mt. Dew" and pizza grease on my hands to whip George Costanza at Frogger:

MLF is (was) in some old stomping grounds in WV last October. It's on tomorrow at 1pm or Sunday at 3pm on Stonewall Jackson Lake (OLN): It's a five day tournament aired over five weekends. If nothing else; just watch for a bit to marvel at the gorgeous October scenery...

Besides LMB/spots/some SMB: The lake holds muskie and walleye (which are mostly ignored...?) Muskie are not.

I fished the place in the early '90's on leave when it was strict C/R for LM. "Double digits" were "common" and at the time there wasn't a category for "State Record" C/R. The DNR was fine with categories of Length(retardation) and Weight: Fast forward to now and the DNR is begging folks to KEEP bass as the lake filled with "stunts": As you can imagine "stunts" are good muskie angler last week was shocked at a mysterious "blow up" off his bow. Last week's episode featured two 5.5's and a good measure of 4s.

Last week proved the place as a "topwater" experience. We used to catch 9000:) 1-3lb LM in standing timber on buzzbaits; "afraid" of muskies into the night (June). Braided line was new, flat and strong: I'd had many fish break off and was enamored with diameter/strength. I was foolishly "less" afraid of a cut off and pissed off at the shit on a spinning reel. Sometimes you had to "load" the cast on the "backswing" and "pop" it off your finger and spool. As the moon rose I gradually switched over to baitcasting/flashlight as "distance" became less important and accuracy prevailed.

I hope y'all watch (OLN 1-3 Sat or 3-4 Sun). "Bass fishing" for walleye is a real deal: They strike "topwater" like a channel cat, snook or tarpon.

That is all. (I'm so damn happy right now!):

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Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Apr 20, 2015
On again tomorrow from 3-5:30 on OLN: This group was a bit less motivated than the first with one with a "banjo/incest/gay rape" comment. KVD was a bit attitudinal about the lake then came around when he stuck a 3lb to make the cut in the last period: Two small muskie were caught.

It's obvious these jokers don't have hot cousins.

That is all.

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