Making deer soap?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 30, 2015
Bottineau County
I make soap from the bear fat we get off of our bear, it is actually pretty easy.

16 oz. bear lard
2.26 ounces Lye (use food grade)
5.28 ounces distilled water
1 ounce fragrance

Mix your lye and water first as it will heat up to a point hotter than you want for making the soap,

Melt the lard in a saucepan on low-medium heat until you reach about 145-150. try not to go higher than 150

Temp both the lye and lard and when they are both in the range of 100-120 degrees, mix them together. Mix them until it starts to thicken. (It will thicken fast so better to pour it a little early rather than later. If you wait to long it will have to be spread and makes a not so nice bar!

When it starts to thicken add your scent and blend for just a few seconds more

Pour into a mold(s) and cover with plastic wrap and a towel. Let it sit for 48 hours before taking it out of the mold or cutting it.

Usually let sit to harden for 3-4 weeks, but can use anytime after 48 hours.

This recipe won't have a lot of lather but it cleans really well, there are other oils you can add (castor is the main one) to get more lather. Just reduce your lard by the amount of castor oil you add, but I wouldn't use more than about 3-4 ounces as it really softens the soap. The sugar is just to produce more lather, it really doesn't do anything for cleaning. If you add beer instead of the water it is suppose to add more lather also but haven't tried that one.
2021 Bear Soap.jpg


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
I will not be eating it, I have however once in my life tried to brush my teeth with shampoo.
It involved a late night of drinking, a tooth paste missing from my over night bag discovered at the last minute, the need to freshen my breath to the best of my ability, and a short stint of projectile vomiting.

It is an event I will not repeat.

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