I was a section chief on a 107-howitzer shooting a 175 mm bullet. We shot every single day and most of the time around 200 rounds. Firing rate of about 20 rounds per hour. Most of the shooting was at night. 99% of those rounds I had no idea what we were shooting at. They shot rockets, mortars and small arm back at us but nowhere as often. And for some it was not good.
About twice a month we would get an inspection by someone from the rear. They had sat up gun 1 as the place to inspect but one day a E-7 said they were going to come to my gun. I told the troops about this. Mention that they all should shave and dress in decent cloths for the inspections.
Morning came. I look over my troops. A few forgot to shave and for some they found the worse cloths to wear. I told them looking good, mighty fine. Reported to the one-star general. Said my gunner, a Corporal Gannon will take you around the gun.
At some point the General told Gannon we need to store our ammo different. The corporal said we try that, and it did not work, and he was right. It appears, the General was not going to have a corporal tell him that and for some reason my corporal would not give up on it.
After a bit, I did step in between them to move the inspection along. Should have push the ignore button. But then the General said some things about my Corporal. The words maybe were not that bad, but he started to laugh and so did the E-7.
No way was I going to leave that as it was. the inspection was over, and they were to leave. Gatter my troops, call them to attention and then dismiss. Left the E-7 and General to play with themselves.
That afternoon the battery clerk came and told me to report to the command bunker and bring my M-16 with me. About 5 higher ranking than what i was. They took my M-16 from me, relieve me of my command and then took my R&R away. Had $600 and was on my way to Bangkok. A guy told me who had gone there what $600 would get me. For the moment that became only a vision.
And then they got on me like a whip dog in a corner. After a few minutes that it was enough for me and i got up to leave. A new boot LT holler at me, as I was leaving, to spit shine my boots by evening. Glad he said that as all the angry I was storing in my body left. Where the hell was I to find a can of shoe polish out here.
The next day the clerk came and seen me. Said they were talking about giving me the rank of private, a dishonorable discharge for in subornation in a war zone, Silly me i thought we were in a conflict not a war. And he said they did mention Leavenworth. Maybe i would have Peltier as a cell mate.
And for what. I did voluntary for the draft and for Vietnam. A few weeks before this the captain call a formation of all the troops and pin a medal with a green ribbon on it on me. At the time meant nothing to me as I had no idea why.
I thought. First concern was how I could still get my R&R, then the disgrace I will bring to my family if this happens. For me, for lack of a better word and the seriousness of this (58,000 some had died) this whole thing had no honor, and no way could we win. dB