I currently have a HDS 10 and HDS 8 both Gen 1. Last year the 10 stopped displaying the 2D sonar so I sent it in and they wanted $1,000.00 to fix a head unit that is worth $800 - $900. So now I use that just for chart and down/side imaging. Now the HDS 8 that is at the dash that I use for regular sonar will only show me half of the screen. The whole right side is crazy vertical lines that will not change no matter what page I go to and the left side is perfect. So my question is, if I were to buy a HDS 7 Touch Gen 2 will my current graphs still work with it. Do the Gen 2's have different LSS (little black box) and transducers. I can't swing a 12 touch gen 3 so I am not sure what to do, but the two that I have are slowly falling apart. Maybe it's time for birds? Also I have not sent in the HDS 8 yet, might be an easy fix. Any advise would be great because I am not sure what to do.