Looks like Mandan will allow the use of OHV (off highway Vehicles, namely side by side ATV's) on its city streets.
Here is what took place at the city commission meeting on March 6th for the first reading and introduction of the ordinance.
2. Consider Introduction and First Consideration of Ordinance No. 1283 to update Citylaws regarding Off Highway Vehicles, Snowmobiles, and Golf Carts. Deputy Police Chief JasonBier presented a request for the Introduction and First Consideration of Ordinance No. 1283 toupdate City laws regarding Off Highway Vehicles, Snowmobiles, and Golf Carts. He said hepresented this matter previously to the City Commission on October 17, 2017 wherein heoutlined the findings and recommendations of the Off Highway Vehicle Committee (OHV) whowere appointed by the City Commission in August of 2016. At the October 17, 2017, theCommission voted to approve that Deputy Chief Jason Bier work with City Attorney Brown torevise the City Ordinance to align with the recommendations of the OHV Committee.Deputy Bier explained that the new City ordinance consolidates and clarifies the City’s lawsregarding Off Highway Vehicles (OHVs) and Snowmobiles. The previous laws were somewhatconfusing and contradicting. This ordinance creates a new law prohibiting golf carts from drivingon City streets. The City did not have a law regarding golf carts. The new ordinance will allowClass III OHVs to be driven on City streets in accordance with ND state law; however thisordinance is more restrictive than state law and requires the vehicles to have certain equipment tohelp ensure safety. This ordinance clarifies that snowmobiles are not allowed on city streetsexcept under a certain emergency conditions. Acting Chair Rohr commented that committeessuch as these put forth a lot of effort to research and put these types of ordinances together andhe thanked Deputy Bier for his time as well as other members of the OHV committee whoworked on completing this new ordinance.Commissioner Laber moved to approve the Introduction and First Consideration ofOrdinance #1283 to Amend Sec. 24-1-2 (b) of the Mandan Code of Ordinances; Repeal inits Entirety Sections 24-5-1, 24-5-2, 24-6-1, 24-6-2, 24-19-7, 24-19-8, 24-19-9, 24-19-11,4-19-12 and 24-19-13 of the Mandan Code of Ordinances; And to Enact Articles 5 and 6 ofChapter 24 of the Mandan Code of Ordinances relating to Off Highway Vehicles,Snowmobiles, and Golf Carts. Commissioner Davis commented that ordinances such as theseare important so the residents are aware of the rules for passing, and rights of ways, etc.Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Commissioner Rohr: Yes;Commissioner Davis: Yes; Commissioner Laber: Yes; Commissioner Braun: Absent;Commissioner Helbling: Absent. The motion passed.
Here is what took place tonight (3/20/2018) The city commission considered the second reading of the ordinance tonight; passed unanimously.
Of course the OHV will have signal lights, horn and a lighted license plate holder and factory installed roll cage along with other safety equipment to be street legal.
I'm for it. Worry about the very young that may be driving these on our streets however. Not sure what the age limit is but guessing 16 would be the youngest.
Golf carts and snowmobiles will not be allowed on city streets at this time. However snowmobiles will be allowed in emergency situations.
Here is what took place at the city commission meeting on March 6th for the first reading and introduction of the ordinance.
2. Consider Introduction and First Consideration of Ordinance No. 1283 to update Citylaws regarding Off Highway Vehicles, Snowmobiles, and Golf Carts. Deputy Police Chief JasonBier presented a request for the Introduction and First Consideration of Ordinance No. 1283 toupdate City laws regarding Off Highway Vehicles, Snowmobiles, and Golf Carts. He said hepresented this matter previously to the City Commission on October 17, 2017 wherein heoutlined the findings and recommendations of the Off Highway Vehicle Committee (OHV) whowere appointed by the City Commission in August of 2016. At the October 17, 2017, theCommission voted to approve that Deputy Chief Jason Bier work with City Attorney Brown torevise the City Ordinance to align with the recommendations of the OHV Committee.Deputy Bier explained that the new City ordinance consolidates and clarifies the City’s lawsregarding Off Highway Vehicles (OHVs) and Snowmobiles. The previous laws were somewhatconfusing and contradicting. This ordinance creates a new law prohibiting golf carts from drivingon City streets. The City did not have a law regarding golf carts. The new ordinance will allowClass III OHVs to be driven on City streets in accordance with ND state law; however thisordinance is more restrictive than state law and requires the vehicles to have certain equipment tohelp ensure safety. This ordinance clarifies that snowmobiles are not allowed on city streetsexcept under a certain emergency conditions. Acting Chair Rohr commented that committeessuch as these put forth a lot of effort to research and put these types of ordinances together andhe thanked Deputy Bier for his time as well as other members of the OHV committee whoworked on completing this new ordinance.Commissioner Laber moved to approve the Introduction and First Consideration ofOrdinance #1283 to Amend Sec. 24-1-2 (b) of the Mandan Code of Ordinances; Repeal inits Entirety Sections 24-5-1, 24-5-2, 24-6-1, 24-6-2, 24-19-7, 24-19-8, 24-19-9, 24-19-11,4-19-12 and 24-19-13 of the Mandan Code of Ordinances; And to Enact Articles 5 and 6 ofChapter 24 of the Mandan Code of Ordinances relating to Off Highway Vehicles,Snowmobiles, and Golf Carts. Commissioner Davis commented that ordinances such as theseare important so the residents are aware of the rules for passing, and rights of ways, etc.Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Commissioner Rohr: Yes;Commissioner Davis: Yes; Commissioner Laber: Yes; Commissioner Braun: Absent;Commissioner Helbling: Absent. The motion passed.
Here is what took place tonight (3/20/2018) The city commission considered the second reading of the ordinance tonight; passed unanimously.
Of course the OHV will have signal lights, horn and a lighted license plate holder and factory installed roll cage along with other safety equipment to be street legal.
I'm for it. Worry about the very young that may be driving these on our streets however. Not sure what the age limit is but guessing 16 would be the youngest.
Golf carts and snowmobiles will not be allowed on city streets at this time. However snowmobiles will be allowed in emergency situations.
- - - Updated - - -
ORDINANCE NO. 1283An Ordinance to Amend Sec. 24-1-2 (b) of the Mandan Code of Ordinances;Repeal in its Entirety Sections 24-5-1, 24-5-2, 24-6-1, 24-6-2, 24-19-7, 24-19-8,24-19-9, 24-19-11, 24-19-12 and 24-19-13 of the Mandan Code of Ordinances;and to Enact Articles 5 and 6 of Chapter 24 of the Mandan Code of Ordinances.Be it Ordained by the Board of City Commissioners