RR Red River 6-6-23


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Grand Forks
Water temperature is 79 and the cotton is falling. This means the spawn is on a full two weeks early. Big fish have been spotty but they are there if you keep looking. The good news is there is an abundance of little fish to be caught. The bite has been average again the past week. This heat is killing us as it is just sweltering out there during the day. Fish are coming in the fast water but not the fastest water. Right on the current breaks of holes. A good 25-30 minutes sit seems to be the best. You have to sort through some small fish to get to the bigger ones. It is also time to start fishing the steep cut banks and tight to the wood if you can find it to try to pull the bigger spawning fish out.

Goldeye and sucker are working but a couple days dead is best.

The good news of all of this right now is there is no big cool off in the forecast which should produce a quick spawn and push us into summer pattern sooner.

In other news the Moorhead Catfish Tournament is July 8th and the Catfish Capital Challenge in Drayton is August 11/12




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