

Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
Just to correct my good friend, Trip. More of a PSA, if you will.

This isn’t a baiting bill.
Yea it is
All of this for a “disease” that has killed one(suspicious) deer in a half a century in ND.
CWD was first found in ND in 2009. So half century is most certainly not correct. But considering the level of research that has been done around disease pathogenesis, there is no doubt that more than 1 deer has died from CWD in ND. There is 2 more that were found in clinical end stages of the disease.

It’s a bill to undo restriction on hunting that science doesn’t support. In the context of cwd it’s purely illogical. There is zero evidence of cwd being spread by bait piles.
That’s not true. A number of research efforts have demonstrated that you can find infectious prions on mineral licks, in the soil around mineral licks, on feeders, and in bait piles.

They’ve also been able to demonstrate horizontal and environment transmission….repeatedly and in elk, whitetail, and mule deer.

Contagious disease spreads when animals are eating, pissing, and shitting in the same spot every day? Huh…sounds like a logical way for disease to spread to me.
. It is simply a “best management practice” idea being pushed down by AFWA and if one uses simple logic it makes zero sense to ban hunting over it unless you’re objective is control.
this one has always puzzled the conservation community and the GF. No one quite understands what the infatuation with AFWA is when it comes to the merry band of “CWD is a conspiracy” group. kind of entertaining to watch Dusty misquote the AFWA document. But outside of that….

Backcountry hunters and anglers………. Wonder why they want to be involved? Wouldn’t a sportsman group want more animals not less and to work on better access for hunters?
I always kind of enjoy these statements. It’s a form of flattery in my opinion. When someone makes an Ad hominem attack, it usually means their argument is shit.

But what’s funny about this is that I, representing North Dakota BHA, drafted a bill to try and put more pronghorn tags back in public hunters pockets (SB2155). Last session we advocated for increased funding for private land habitat and cow elk tags for landowners. We also opened up thousands of acres of state trust lands to hunters.

And yet somehow I’m simultaneously involved in a anti-hunting conspiracy…

Man, the mental masturbation some of the master baiters will go through…
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Ah yes, tis the season for more "Us (hunters) against Them (landowners)" stupidity. Winter is the Hunter vs. Landowner and then again in the fall we get the Resident vs Non-resident, but I digress. I think all of these measures are anti-hunting. They do NOTHING to promote good hunter/landowner relations. Trying to take hunting opportunities from the landowner, trying to tell landowners what they can and can not do on their own land while simultaneously demanding they let complete strangers with guns wander all over their land enduring the ruts, garbage, and other dumbness people do HAS to be a pinnacle of STUPIDITY. All this will accomplish is to bring about the all land is posted scenario quicker. Which does the exact opposite of what hunters say they want. Maybe thats what the proponents of these measures really want in the end. Hunters need to understand that landowners don't owe you a place to hunt. They never did and they never will. Hunters will come out the loser if it ever comes to a head. I know this will piss off some people, but that's the reality of the situation. Carry On!!

Oh and CWD is still an non issue, however EHD is a true herd killer.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Oct 17, 2015
KDM, I respect the bell out of you. But this argument comes up every time, and I don’t know a single hunter who thinks they deserve or are owned private land access. Many are frustrated with shrinking opportunities, but i haven’t seen or heard anyone say landowners should be required to open their gates.

And you are right, the roots of this bill are anti-hunting. The folks who only see they’ll get to hunt over bait (sorry…supplemental feed) are missing that point.

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
KDM, I respect the bell out of you. But this argument comes up every time, and I don’t know a single hunter who thinks they deserve or are owned private land access. Many are frustrated with shrinking opportunities, but i haven’t seen or heard anyone say landowners should be required to open their gates.

And you are right, the roots of this bill are anti-hunting. The folks who only see they’ll get to hunt over bait (sorry…supplemental feed) are missing that point.
Wrong. It’s completely the opposite of what you just said. You are missing the point. It’s very peculiar you would call farmers/ ranchers/landowners and sportsman for this bill “anti-hunting”. Whether you are willing to accept it or not this state is over 90% privately owned. Being in opposition of this bill won’t get you any more access to hunting opportunities and I wish some of you smooth brains understood this. We sit here and complain about access and then people like you want to tell landowners what they can or cannot do on their own property when scientifically there is no evidence whatsoever that baiting spreads CWD. This isn’t a landowner against sportsman bill. This is a government overreach and control vs. landowner/sportsman bill. Most sportsman i know are for this bill. Most landowners I know are for this bill. We’re on the same side on this issue. This bill is for landowner rights as well as for providing more opportunities. More deer=more opportunities. It’s literally that simple. It seems to me those that dont want this bill are either with the government in Some capacity or are government boot lickers of sorts.explain to me how if we let the government continue with this joke called cwd and we end up slaughtering more deer we will have more opportunities as sportsman? We go from 150k tags to 55k tags in a decade? Take off your rose colored glasses and see the mismanaging from our own government.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
KDM, I respect the bell out of you. But this argument comes up every time, and I don’t know a single hunter who thinks they deserve or are owned private land access. Many are frustrated with shrinking opportunities, but i haven’t seen or heard anyone say landowners should be required to open their gates.

And you are right, the roots of this bill are anti-hunting. The folks who only see they’ll get to hunt over bait (sorry…supplemental feed) are missing that point.

I've dealt personally with a couple dozen hunters who felt the exact way I described. I know because I caught them trespassing and they told me as much. I know quite a few landowners that have dealt with the same situations on multiple occasions. I'm glad you don't know any hunters like that, but to say that doesn't suddenly make these bad interactions go away or my point moot. I'd like to see something that will directly improve hunter/landowner relations that will hopefully increase access, but the bills I see being brought foreword only increase that divide.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Oct 17, 2015
Wrong. It’s completely the opposite of what you just said. You are missing the point. It’s very peculiar you would call farmers/ ranchers/landowners and sportsman for this bill “anti-hunting”. Whether you are willing to accept it or not this state is over 90% privately owned. Being in opposition of this bill won’t get you any more access to hunting opportunities and I wish some of you smooth brains understood this. We sit here and complain about access and then people like you want to tell landowners what they can or cannot do on their own property when scientifically there is no evidence whatsoever that baiting spreads CWD. This isn’t a landowner/sportsman bill. Most sportsman i know are for this bill. Most landowners I know are for this bill. It seems to me those that dont want this bill are either with the government in Some capacity or are government boot lickers of sorts.
I am a landowner. I don’t give a shit about CWD. I don’t deny it’s real, and that being said you're sticking your head in the sand if you don’t believe it can be spread by deer eating the same bait pile, I’m objective enough to see their point. If it makes a hair of difference probably not. Call me all the names you want. I don’t want wildlife management via non-professional legislators who meet every two years.

Novel idea that makes everyone happy. Start over with the banned units, everything is open until it’s proven CWD is spreading.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
Cwd is real but saying baiting spreads it is bullshit. How many deer group up in the winter and feed next to each other REGRDLESS of baiting? Its going to spread if you put bait out or not. Just my opinion from visual observation of deer of many years.

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
I am a landowner. I don’t give a shit about CWD. I don’t deny it’s real, and that being said you're sticking your head in the sand if you don’t believe it can be spread by deer eating the same bait pile, I’m objective enough to see their point. If it makes a hair of difference probably not. Call me all the names you want. I don’t want wildlife management via non-professional legislators who meet every two years.

Novel idea that makes everyone happy. Start over with the banned units, everything is open until it’s proven CWD is spreading.
Explain why they no longer test in unit 3f2? Baiting has been illegal for 10 or more years and there is still cwd present. Explain to me how a doe is not supposed to lick her fawns upwards of hundreds of times a day. Explain to me how 200 plus deer eating off the same haystacks in the winter arent spreading cwd? Explain to me when the deer come into town and feed off the elevator piles and spillage it isnt spreading cwd. It’s a joke to think a small pile will spread more cwd than any other natural movement of deer. Im not a landowner. I have no dog in this fight when it comes to baiting. But I do understand common sense. And the entire logic and reasoning behind cwd makes zero sense. None. Absolutely zero. One dead deer in over 15-20 years. How much money time and resources wasted when our deer herds starve and die of EHD? I also understand that if we as sportsman want more opportunities it needs to come through private lands. How is alienating and encroaching on private land rights helping opportunities? It’s not. It’s hurting. When there are more animals on the land scape there are more willing landowners to provide access and opportunities. It’s literally that simple. If we look at trends and trajectory if we continue to let the NDGNF forward with their management plans we will see 25-30k tags in the near future. Do you continue to let your investment team lose money? I mean they are professionals right? So trust them when your $150k turns into $50k and they tell you they want to double down on their plan? No that would be foolish

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county

The horse isnt dead yet. Laying down and letting common sense not prevail isnt an option.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jun 24, 2015
I can't understand the argument of the people that are saying they don't want the government getting involved and making more laws but are totally in support of a government entity telling people what they can/cannot do on private land. It's contradictory.


Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
I can't understand the argument of the people that are saying they don't want the government getting involved and making more laws but are totally in support of a government entity telling people what they can/cannot do on private land. It's contradictory.
Wildlife belong to the residents of the state, all residents. Not landowners.

You can’t drill a water well without a permit, inspection, etc. You can’t dump nuclear waste on your property, dispose of certain chemicals, you can’t poison wildlife, there’s a list of lots of things you can’t do on private land just because you own the land. Most of them are that way because those actions may affect those around you or other public resources (water,wildlife, etc)

I support private property rights, but buying a chunk of land is not a ticket to anarchy and lawlessness on that land.

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
I can't understand the argument of the people that are saying they don't want the government getting involved and making more laws but are totally in support of a government entity telling people what they can/cannot do on private land. It's contradictory.
But you are ok with an unelected body or agency making laws? Sometimes you need government to protect you from government. If we’re talking 10,000 dead deer from CWD you would hear a different story. 1 deer. Remember that. 1 deer. This bill is using the government to protect property and rights from another government entity. Very similar to making laws to protect from EPA rulings


Founding Member
Founding Member
Oct 17, 2015
They’ll get to that after they fuck up hunting a little more, try to combine church and state, ban a few books, close business on Sundays, obsess over public bathrooms, and probably bump their own per diem a bit.

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