seeding plots


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 28, 2016
Seeded the corn and soybeans on one plot last night, wet but getting late and rain on Friday.
Bought rotary tiller for 1500 with son and then son bought 6 row planter. Made a two row at 36" and 4 row @ 15". Three rows of beans and one row of corn. Plant back and forth so corn is at 36" spacing so bucks can walk down easy with the wide racks. Planted around plot and will put brassicas in middle in August. Clover on part of plot. Has worked good for us. Round Up is a God sent. Apples have a lot of flowers on them.
Got planter in Montana for I believe $800 which was a lot cheaper than most today. Yesterday you could buy for little but now they have gotten high price.
Three more plots to go and hopefully this weekend for one more. db

- - - Updated - - -

I wish I was young so I could use this damn internet the right way. Not sure how to get those pictures of our shed hunt in Canada off. db

- - - Updated - - -

I bought site of 1.8 acres on an abandon RR track for $500 in 98. Started with a garden tiller and a spot about 2500 square feet. Neighbor told me I had to give him this land as he farmed the rest of the land.

Over the 20 years later found round up, round up ready plants, brassica plants, trees, tractor with 5' rotary and a green planter and every other plant I was told to plant and every other product they said would work wonders for deer. Bought a Fordson tractor but not the one in the picture as my Fordson three point will not lift the tiller.

My how things do change and my how the neighbors tell me what deer I have at this site cause they tell me they sit at it and even have shot a deer out of my stand. Can one imagine that.
I have shot only three with my bow at this site over that time but they are decent. Son a handful that are also decent with the bow. A number of teenage kids have shot their first doe with a bow out of this stand. My oh MY life is good. db-2


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