I think you mean if bloodthirsty NATO and the West including the deep state current administration start shooting ICBM's into Russia, the whole world will end up in ashes. Putin said if any country with nuclear technology supplies missiles and engages them against Russia, they will face retribution. Hopefully this crazy intentional escalation of this war stops before Trump takes office or we'll be in WW3.....Europe will be ashes...if blood thirsty putin keeps this bullshit up,
To hell with Europe. We paid our debt to France twice last century, and while Great Britain has had our back a lot lately, they and the rest of them usually sit around with their heads in the sand or wringing their hands about what to do, and that is why they are where they are. Time to use our 3500 mile wide moat/water barrier to our advantage.Europe will be ashes...if blood thirsty putin keeps this bullshit up,how can "we" the civilized world stand down as russia indiscriminately murder 1000's of innocent civilians, enough! Russia will be it's own demise, ans blood thirsty putin
Agree give up ukraine..he goes after more then it's on!Time to pull the plug on Ukraine. Before it's too late. Fuck Ukraine I'd rather stay living I don't know about u guys.