WTF is wrong with kids these days


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Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Grand Forks, ND
I was just coming back here to say something similar, fly2cast. When stuff like this happened when I was a kid it would have been dealt with on the "down low" for sure. No paper or TV news would have touched it with a ten foot pole. I have kids aged 9 and 11, and from what I've seen so far they are better acting than I was at that age. Or so I think.

I do think there is some truth that emotionally kids are more "desensitized" in general because of all the crap they see on TV, and now on the internet and YouTube, however.


★★ Legendary Member
Oct 20, 2017
The media does more damage then good because they never tell the truth and like to blame it on other things just to start the speculation of the situation.
The story was breaking news from Valley News Live. Chris Berg emphasized that the accusations are "alleged". Probably because he knows they should not have ran a story before actual charges were filed.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
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May 15, 2015
The Hazing that went on in the 70's and 80's was way out of line, and if it happened today, would be all over the news just like this "rape game" is today.

Hazing that went on in the 70's and 80's was wrong but I don't recall any hazing that included boys sexually assaulting other boys


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Apr 24, 2016
Northern AZ
I'm going to disagree with most of you on this.

I know that everybody has their own experiences. I'm maybe fortunate that my kids are all pretty good kids. Somebody else may have bad experiences with kids. And don't think these kinds of things didn't happen back then. Crap just got swept under the rug. The amount of hazing that was done in my middle school and high school would never have been tolerated today. Nquestion about it.

I also couldn't imagine the amount of trouble I would have gotten in if I had the internet back in the day. Don't think you were any better. We all know at our old age how dumb the tide-pod challenge is. It's dumb as hell. I can't say when I was in high school that we wouldn't have done stupid crap like that, neither can you.

Don't be old farts and say "Back in my day..." That's crap. Maybe you were a good kid and had all kinds of respect for other people but there was plenty of bad things that went on then too.

I disagree with you and your generalizations about your ideas about "the good old days". I graduated from High School in 70 so I'm pretty familiar with that time period.

I knew there was a lot of hazing then and most of it was by assholes trying to make themselves look tough. There was a lot of shit given and taken by guys in sports too. I don't remember any of them doing the stuff in the article. If anyone I hung around with had done something like this they would have had to get out of the hospital before they could have gone to jail.

I don't think the web would have made much of an impact on me in High School, I had 4 jobs, played sports and worked on the ranch so I didn't have a lot of free time. When I had free time I was hunting and fishing or on a date or at a roping.

I do think I'm much better than you think I am. I grew up respecting most of my peers, teachers and adults until they did something to show me otherwise. I KNOW my friends and I would not have done anything even close to what happened in the article. I pity you for even thinking you and your friends might have done something like this.

There were a lot of "bad" things that went on back then. I wasn't a good kid all the time, I did some stupid shit and paid dearly for it when it was discovered. I learned from childhood when you do stupid shit you will pay for it.


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May 15, 2015

I really wish we could let this investigation play out before bashing on the boys and their parents. Out of the 5 boys that have been suspended 1 has already been exonerated of any wrong doing. I believe this is going to be a sign of things to come. Time will tell.

You seem to know some of the details that the news has left out. What exactly we these boys accused of doing? Is it as bad as it sounds or is it media hype?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
Hazing that went on in the 70's and 80's was wrong but I don't recall any hazing that included boys sexually assaulting other boys

Is a bare azz in someone's face sexual assault? How bout stripping them naked,....on a bus,....with girls on it?


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
I'm going to disagree with most of you on this. I have 4 kids ranging from elementary age to college age. From what I have seen with my kids and their friends and other kids I see is that the kids today are way better kids than when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s. I discussed this subject with my dad a few months back. He even says today's kids are much better behaved than when he was growing up in the 50's and 60's. My sister grew up in the 70's and has been a teacher at a number of different middle schools. She can't believe how good the kids are today compared to when she went to school

I know that everybody has their own experiences. I'm maybe fortunate that my kids are all pretty good kids. Somebody else may have bad experiences with kids. I think the difference is how things are reported today and the extremes of society. When I was growing up, I don't know if this incident would have made the paper. My guess is that it would have been handled in school and kept quiet from media. It certainly wouldn't have been in the paper in the 50's and 60's. And don't think these kinds of things didn't happen back then. Crap just got swept under the rug. The amount of hazing that was done in my middle school and high school would never have been tolerated today. No question about it.

I also couldn't imagine the amount of trouble I would have gotten in if I had the internet back in the day. Don't think you were any better. We all know at our old age how dumb the tide-pod challenge is. It's dumb as hell. I can't say when I was in high school that we wouldn't have done stupid crap like that, neither can you.

Don't be old farts and say "Back in my day..." That's crap. Maybe you were a good kid and had all kinds of respect for other people but there was plenty of bad things that went on then too.

I'm not sure I go along with this simply because I believe kids are the same. It's a parenting issue. There are no consequences, no expectations, no values brought into homes anymore. Schools are suppose to teach math and abc's yet we spend more time teaching character, behavioral traits, discipline, values etc. That was taught in the homes 30 yrs ago. Much is not anymore. The good kids you encounter...have good parents. Bad kids...have tough homes. Is it 100% accurate? No...but largely.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 23, 2016
Minot, ND.
^ I agree Musky...I believe technology and what kids/people have available at their fingertips today can be a blessing and a curse. But again, I believe the responsibility falls on the parents. I do think today's kids...and this is a very general statement-so it might get me in trouble...have an overall lack of respect for authority. Right or wrong...I was physically scared of my dad until I was in my 20's and realized if he was pissed at me I could outrun him! He taught me to respect my elders, my mom, and women in general. If a parent allows a child to disrespect them, how do they expect said child to learn respect for authority or others? Not to get all "churchy", but if Christ like principles and values were the rule and not the exception, I kinda think we'd see fewer crimes against others. Love the Lord with all your heart, and love your neighbor as you do yourself - you follow these 2 commandments and all the rest will take care of itself. Maybe that is a bit naïve to believe...but just my take.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 14, 2015
I disagree with you and your generalizations about your ideas about "the good old days". I graduated from High School in 70 so I'm pretty familiar with that time period.

I knew there was a lot of hazing then and most of it was by assholes trying to make themselves look tough. There was a lot of shit given and taken by guys in sports too. I don't remember any of them doing the stuff in the article. If anyone I hung around with had done something like this they would have had to get out of the hospital before they could have gone to jail.

I don't think the web would have made much of an impact on me in High School, I had 4 jobs, played sports and worked on the ranch so I didn't have a lot of free time. When I had free time I was hunting and fishing or on a date or at a roping.

I do think I'm much better than you think I am. I grew up respecting most of my peers, teachers and adults until they did something to show me otherwise. I KNOW my friends and I would not have done anything even close to what happened in the article. I pity you for even thinking you and your friends might have done something like this.

There were a lot of "bad" things that went on back then. I wasn't a good kid all the time, I did some stupid shit and paid dearly for it when it was discovered. I learned from childhood when you do stupid shit you will pay for it.

2400, what is wrong with you, jerk? I don't get some of you guys on here.

2400, did I say that I or anybody else I know would have done this or thought this OK? NO. I said we did a lot of dumb stuff too. What happened at this school would have been unacceptable back then too but stuff similar to this did happen.

LIKE I SAID in my post, everybody has their own experiences in life, some good, some bad. You grew up on a ranch, played sports and went hunting and fishing. Do you think that reality doesn't exist for many young kids today? Sure, some kids today are lazy, don't have a job and don't hunt and fish. Just like kids back in the 70's. You were a good kid in school and would not have done anything even close to what happened in this article. Me too and same with 99.9% of the kids today.

Quit being the old guy who thinks their generation was better than anybody who came after. You got your head in the sand if you think so.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2015
Is a bare azz in someone's face sexual assault? How bout stripping them naked,....on a bus,....with girls on it?

" One student, who did not want to be named, made some sickening claims. The student says several older students were taking part in a "rape game." Younger students were allegedly held down by several others, and lights were shut off in locker rooms. The student says they believe victims were then violated- and according to the student, "penetrated." The student believes the assaults involved up to a dozen students- all boys "


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 14, 2015
I'm not sure I go along with this simply because I believe kids are the same. It's a parenting issue. There are no consequences, no expectations, no values brought into homes anymore. Schools are suppose to teach math and abc's yet we spend more time teaching character, behavioral traits, discipline, values etc. That was taught in the homes 30 yrs ago. Much is not anymore. The good kids you encounter...have good parents. Bad kids...have tough homes. Is it 100% accurate? No...but largely.

What parents are you talking about? Don't tell me that there are no consequences, no expectations, no values brought into home anymore. It's such a generalization. I for one expect my kids to stay busy, be nice and get all A's in school, among other things. And all of the parents I know expect about the same. There are bad kids and some places are worse than others.

I don't know if you have any kids in school. Mine have all gone through the Bismarck school system. I can say that without a doubt they are being taught math, the ABC's, history, etc way more that being taught behavioral traits, discipline, etc, even more than when I grew up (and I went to high school in a private school). I don't know if you have kids in the school system and have had bad experiences or if you are just repeating what you hear from others on a national level.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 25, 2015
" One student, who did not want to be named, made some sickening claims. The student says several older students were taking part in a "rape game." Younger students were allegedly held down by several others, and lights were shut off in locker rooms. The student says they believe victims were then violated- and according to the student, "penetrated." The student believes the assaults involved up to a dozen students- all boys "

I hope this is fake news..... if not then I cant even begin to understand how this could happen, or who to blame, or how to fix it. For young high school boys to anally rape younger boys is beyond comprehension. The devil is on the loose is all I can say.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
What parents are you talking about? Don't tell me that there are no consequences, no expectations, no values brought into home anymore. It's such a generalization. I for one expect my kids to stay busy, be nice and get all A's in school, among other things. And all of the parents I know expect about the same. There are bad kids and some places are worse than others.

I don't know if you have any kids in school. Mine have all gone through the Bismarck school system. I can say that without a doubt they are being taught math, the ABC's, history, etc way more that being taught behavioral traits, discipline, etc, even more than when I grew up (and I went to high school in a private school). I don't know if you have kids in the school system and have had bad experiences or if you are just repeating what you hear from others on a national level.

Why take things so personal? I claimed a large portion of the problem is with poor parenting. Did I say "fly2 cast?" Relax. Are you there everyday, all day to see what they are teaching? Do you suppose other things are being taught? You are not there. There are issues..guaranteed. There are approx. 80 million students in America..not just yours. Yes I have kids in school and guess what? I am a teacher, I see it everyday. 21 years. Do I teach math, abc, ss etc. Yep and all the other stuff that should be taught at HOME. I am a father to many kids not just a teacher. Should I be?


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Apr 24, 2016
Northern AZ
'm going to disagree with most of you on this.

I know that everybody has their own experiences. I'm maybe fortunate that my kids are all pretty good kids. Somebody else may have bad experiences with kids. And don't think these kinds of things didn't happen back then. Crap just got swept under the rug. The amount of hazing that was done in my middle school and high school would never have been tolerated today. Nquestion about it.

I also couldn't imagine the amount of trouble I would have gotten in if I had the internet back in the day. Don't think you were any better. We all know at our old age how dumb the tide-pod challenge is. It's dumb as hell.
I can't say when I was in high school that we wouldn't have done stupid crap like that, neither can you.

Don't be old farts and say "Back in my day..." That's crap. Maybe you were a good kid and had all kinds of respect for other people but there was plenty of bad things that went on then too

I disagree with you and your generalizations about your ideas about "the good old days". I graduated from High School in 70 so I'm pretty familiar with that time period.

I knew there was a lot of hazing then and most of it was by assholes trying to make themselves look tough. There was a lot of shit given and taken by guys in sports too. I don't remember any of them doing the stuff in the article. If anyone I hung around with had done something like this they would have had to get out of the hospital before they could have gone to jail.

I don't think the web would have made much of an impact on me in High School, I had 4 jobs, played sports and worked on the ranch so I didn't have a lot of free time. When I had free time I was hunting and fishing or on a date or at a roping.

I do think I'm much better than you think I am. I grew up respecting most of my peers, teachers and adults until they did something to show me otherwise. I KNOW my friends and I would not have done anything even close to what happened in the article. I pity you for even thinking you and your friends might have done something like this.

There were a lot of "bad" things that went on back then. I wasn't a good kid all the time, I did some stupid shit and paid dearly for it when it was discovered. I learned from childhood when you do stupid shit you will pay for it.

2400, what is wrong with you, jerk? I don't get some of you guys on here.

2400, did I say that I or anybody else I know would have done this or thought this OK? NO. I said we did a lot of dumb stuff too. What happened at this school would have been unacceptable back then too but stuff similar to this did happen.

LIKE I SAID in my post, everybody has their own experiences in life, some good, some bad. You grew up on a ranch, played sports and went hunting and fishing. Do you think that reality doesn't exist for many young kids today? Sure, some kids today are lazy, don't have a job and don't hunt and fish. Just like kids back in the 70's. You were a good kid in school and would not have done anything even close to what happened in this article. Me too and same with 99.9% of the kids today.

Quit being the old guy who thinks their generation was better than anybody who came after. You got your head in the sand if you think so.

Wow, so since I disagree with you I'm a Jerk?

I didn't attack you, all I did was take exception to your general comments "Don't think you were any better" , "Don't be old farts" , "I can't say when I was in high school that we wouldn't have done stupid crap like that, neither can you." ​I never said my generation was any better than any other one. All I did was say what happened to me and those I grew up with.

I have no idea what exists for kids these days in other places other than the ones that I know where I live. All I understand is what goes on with the ones in my Hunter Ed Classes, the in the youth shotgun program I run and my neighbor kids.

All I understand about you and those you grew up with is what you wrote.

I wish you the best.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
my wifes mom has been a teacher since 1979 she has seen a change in kids. She thinks there has been a huge change in parenting more than anything. It used to be call the parents kid gets straightend out now if you call its never the kids fault. I was involved with sports as a kid and there was some hazing but nothing to this level not even close. Getting snapped with a wet towel or a titty twister was about as bad as it got in watertown that i was in the know about. How do kids have the time to hold people down turn the lights out and shit like that where are the coaches and supervison?


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Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
I can say with 100% certainty there were absolutely no dicks going up asses.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
It's pretty easy to see what happened here.

The "rape" club was led by some of the "name"(read that "rich") families' kids. That's why it was covered up for so long.

I love the small town schools, but they need to make sure they have strong leadership to combat this sort of thing.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Southeast Bismarck
I can say with 100% certainty there were absolutely no dicks going up asses.

Maybe I'm not reading this in the right light. I hope you are kidding, although this isn't really a light hearted topic.

If you are saying that the article doesn't specifically state anal intercourse (and they're boys, so there aren't many other places to penetrate), and you're saying that anything else penetrating any opening on any child, is okay..

Well, I hope you're kidding.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 27, 2015
I hope this turns out to be BS, I can tell you yea we all did stupid s**t but not that stupid. The factor that decide for me was DAD. If I crossed a line and it got back to him o yea. alot of the stuff i did was controlled by the dad factor. Up until the late 90s mom was at home and family was (closer) then today Schools teach kids stuff that we learned from Dad and mom now kids learn from other kids mom and dad work and spend less time with them. one other thing, believing in God and what the bible tells you is another thing that is missing more then ever and if you dont believe that I feel sorry for you.

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