LEWT Tournament Winners BUSTED!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
Don't want to hijack this thread but my bride wants to see more pics of Royce. We were driving around yesterday and she mentioned that out of the blue. She says he always makes her smile and feel good.
So fire away when you have some time.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
First spot:
Mutant quicky mart employee walks out of store right in front of me with ice melt in hand as I attempt to pull into a wide open dispenser lane. She Slows WAY down the second she sees me approaching - and purposely goes into turtle mode to lolly in my lane - not applying salt.

I wait until she gives me enough room, then she stands just far enough to one side to make me nervous as I slowly pull into my lane. She pretends to salt a spot right at edge of my lane.

She goes back in, I follow. I request propane fill. She says “you almost ran me over - you need to be more careful “

Me: “WHAT? You’re kidding, right?”

mutant: (crickets)

Me: “Is this your idea of a prank???”

mutant: (crickets)

Me: Driving away in order to avoid murder charge.
You should blown your horn for about 5 seconds when having to wait for her. Some people you just have to rattle their cage a little.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
First spot:
Mutant quicky mart employee walks out of store right in front of me with ice melt in hand as I attempt to pull into a wide open dispenser lane. She Slows WAY down the second she sees me approaching - and purposely goes into turtle mode to lolly in my lane - not applying salt.

I wait until she gives me enough room, then she stands just far enough to one side to make me nervous as I slowly pull into my lane. She pretends to salt a spot right at edge of my lane.

She goes back in, I follow. I request propane fill. She says “you almost ran me over - you need to be more careful “

Me: “WHAT? You’re kidding, right?”

mutant: (crickets)

Me: “Is this your idea of a prank???”

mutant: (crickets)

Me: Driving away in order to avoid murder charge.

Some people belive authority is a fringe benefit of the job. I stopped to fuel up one day and a lady was painting the posts by the fuel pumps . It was a hot out and I was pulling the camper so I left it run .

Her: Shut your engine off, I'm getting smoked out here.

Me : I'm sorry It's a diesel I cant untill it cools down.

Her : Stands up and dramatically hollers something that I didn't hear.

Me: pointing to an unpainted post, can't you go over there and paint till I'm done ?

Her : Pulled a phone on me and with bulging eyes madly telling someone about me being an asshole .

Soon another painter comes walking towards us, They talked for a second and she was clearly very upset.

Me : Sorry if you think I'm an asshole but diesel engines are not made to be shut off until they cool down. If you have a problem with that bring it to the manager.

Me: driving away feeling glad I live where I do and for now I can mostly stay away from people.

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