Sounds like you may be right this year Kurt. With the storm not really impacting central ND too much it looks like they may pile up in ND and give you guys the finger this spring……
Sounds like you may be right this year Kurt. With the storm not really impacting central ND too much it looks like they may pile up in ND and give you guys th
Snows are coming over tonight in williston li
Not sure of numbers but they are night flyingSounds like you may be right this year Kurt. With the storm not really impacting central ND too much it looks like they may pile up in ND and give you guys the finger this spring……
So are they open season? The white geese?Sounds like a bunch they will stop over up north on a lentil ot pea field
We see them sitting in cottonwood trees in the river bottoms all the time. There was a nest up in a giant cottonwood near Stanton last spring.Not a Snow but this is something you don't see everyday. I just came across this video is from a couple years ago
39. GEESE. Light geese include snow geese (white and blue phase) and Ross’s geese. Light geese may be taken statewide from February 15, 2025 - May 11, 2025. There shall be no daily or possession limit on light geese.