Recent content by Slappy

  1. Slappy

    Flathead Catfish in ND ?

    Entirely possible I am mistaken as I did not count rays but the anal fin came much closer to the tail fin and color was outside the spectrum of the bronze/yellow to gray typical of channel cats on that stretch of river.
  2. Slappy

    Flathead Catfish in ND ?

    Caught a 24" blue cat near Cattail about 8 years ago on either a jig or bouncer, don't recall which
  3. Slappy

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Brock, thank you for participating in the discussion. I will follow up with more later. No need to be rude to Brock or anyone. We can focus the negativity on the shear foolishness of the project concept, how it has been handled so far, and the abuse of taxpayers and existing facility users.
  4. Slappy

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Yes, pet project completely reliant upon seizing public property and dollars. They used the land gift to secure a $4 million handout from the state. Additional taxpayer dollars will be spent for construction, operation and maintenance if the project is not stopped...
  5. Slappy

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    To be clear, this discussion is about the taking and destruction of existing, heavily-utilized, publicly-owned infrastructure that is already in short supply and gifting it to a private, profit-driven organization, displacing the current users. My opposition to this project is only loosely...
  6. Slappy

    Found rods on highway 37 Found them straddling the centerline in the vicinity of the blue X. I was behind Bloemendaal and the ripping lips guy but don't think they came from their rig.
  7. Slappy

    Found rods on highway 37

    Describe what you lost and I'll get them back to you. I don't Facebook if someone wants to reshare.
  8. Slappy

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Reminder for people to show up this evening.
  9. Slappy

    Oahe report Mobridge

    It's been a while but my recollection of reading that study was that the fish were tagged in the spring around the same time as they were being caught and reported. They would need to tag on Oahe in late summer or fall for such a study to confirm big fish in Bismarck caught during spring swam...
  10. Slappy

    Venison Ribs

    Thanks guys. The fat seems to be a non issue if prepared as you suggest. I'll try it on the next one.
  11. Slappy

    Venison Ribs

    ^^^this I hate to waste but all I see is fat and membrane on deer ribs. Neither is good in venison IMO.

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