Wife and i went out with Captain Marlin Scott on the boat "Premium Time" of Fishmonster charters out of Key West Fl. last week and had a blast hammering the black fin tuna. They cleaned them and we carried them into a Restaurant right there at the pier where most places will cook what you caught when you carry it in.
We caught 10 of them in about 3 hours of fishing. Bite didn't catch on until about an hour into trolling after my wife did some chumming lol, the 3-5 foot chop got to her, in 25 years of being on the water that was the first time she ever got sick but she was a trooper once she got it out of her system and the bite started she was ready for action.
The very first tuna I had on the line was taxed hard, capt and deck hand figured it to be about a 50# Wahoo that got the rear half of it while i was reeling it in, I didn't see it but the Captain and deck hand both saw the tail fin come out of the water when it taxed my tuna, If you watch the videos at the bottom of this post you will see the taxed tuna and they explain the bite marks on it. When it hit the tuna it was intense as the tuna fight hard to start with then you get another even stronger hit, my eyes got really big at that point. We threw the biggest ones back at the end of the day. Kinda wanted a Mahi bite but the tuna were very fun. We also lost another Wahoo right away.
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We caught 10 of them in about 3 hours of fishing. Bite didn't catch on until about an hour into trolling after my wife did some chumming lol, the 3-5 foot chop got to her, in 25 years of being on the water that was the first time she ever got sick but she was a trooper once she got it out of her system and the bite started she was ready for action.
The very first tuna I had on the line was taxed hard, capt and deck hand figured it to be about a 50# Wahoo that got the rear half of it while i was reeling it in, I didn't see it but the Captain and deck hand both saw the tail fin come out of the water when it taxed my tuna, If you watch the videos at the bottom of this post you will see the taxed tuna and they explain the bite marks on it. When it hit the tuna it was intense as the tuna fight hard to start with then you get another even stronger hit, my eyes got really big at that point. We threw the biggest ones back at the end of the day. Kinda wanted a Mahi bite but the tuna were very fun. We also lost another Wahoo right away.

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