You have LV6 which is more concentrated than LV4 so you will need less LV6 than LV4. What you have is 24D ester, which has a quicker burn down. I use LV4 for spraying brush and like to mix it with tordon to kill trees in ditches and such.
I think for spraying in town you'd prefer 24D amine. A little slower kill but will still have weeds curling up a few hours after spraying. Maybe a little less volatile than LV6.
Your county agent would have a chart for mixing small amounts, might even be in the label on the jug.
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Calibrating and using a backpack sprayer (
NDSU on backpack sprayer. scroll down to the calibration part, little long winded but you'll eventually figure out how much to add. In short they want you to figure out how much area you'll cover while spraying to know specifically how much chemical to add.
In my atv sprayer I've never really calibrated it like this, my atv sprayer holds 25 gallons and I know I'm not spraying an acre with it but I add half the amount of chemical I would be spraying out of my big boom sprayer per acre. So if my big sprayer is doing 10 gpa and I'm applying a quart of chemical per acre, then in my atv sprayer I'd put a pint in for every 10 gal of water. Yes I know thats a little strong but I want a good kill on spurge, wormwood, or whatever else I'm spraying.
Im going to assume your backpack sprayer is 2 or 3 gal. My math would take .8 of an ounce of LV6 per gallon, and that might be strong, maybe an ounce to and ounce and a half in 2 gal.
I can't imagine having a backpack full of that stinky shit on my back.