Watched two HEAVYWEIGHTS battle it out over a doe last evening just off the end of my driveway, so I'd say the rut is still ongoing at this point. Two BIG 10 pointers and I mean BIG boys. These bucks were 5 and half years old or better and boy did the dirt fly. They were twice the size of the doe and looked like half grown steers out there. One was so dark in color that he looked black while the other was more tan. It's not very often you see two mature bucks so evenly matched that they end up head to head, but it was a marvelous thing to watch. The sheer POWER those bucks put against each other was awesome. Gave me chills a couple times to see the rippling muscles of their necks and shoulders as they tried to toss each other to the ground. The battle lasted longer than the daylight so I never got to see a victor. I did get about 10 minutes of natures best MMA action though. What a show!!!! Good Luck to those still looking for deer. There's a few good ones still running around out there.
Great story, thanks for sharing!