Been a full three years now for the wife and me in retirement. Age 76 and 72.
Have the normal ups and downs one has and for the most part our health is as it was at the beginning of 2022. Sometimes it seems like we have more than our share of down with life but that is not true.
SS income and some funds from the time in Vietnam (total 5000) have kept the checking account at the same balance as we started this past year. That income is now about $5,900 monthly. Bills of health insurance of 1,000, other insurance of 450, electricity of 350, water of 125 and tv/phone of 300 for 2,225 leaving 3,600 or about 100 per day each month. Not sure where that goes but it does go. Gas as a lot of trips to the grandkids.
At one time my one main concern was once we retired was having sufficient funds to do what we wanted to do. I knew i would have more to do than time allow for me.
Out of debt at age 66 and at that time the bulk of our funds were acquire from 66 to 73 when i retire. 77% of that is in cash (cd, checking, cash around house) with 23% i gave to Ed Jones and Jackson to invest. Those funds lost $11,000 this year and if it gets back to what in was at the beginning of the year, they will be cashed into CDs.
Wife will take your annual trip with daughters and this year to Olando. For me a week trip to northern Canada for shed hunting.
Got a trailer for bike and need to put hitch on. Told wife we are going to take more trips this year and she said not long ones anymore. Maybe a newer Dodge pickup. Hopefully, I will at least take the bow off the wall next fall and buy the two guns i have wanted for a number of years.
Got older and concern comes from what is all going on and we are trying to ignore all this crab and live out an old age. Need to find a place to die and be bury at. Had additional funds set aside for the two of us for the burial so that is taken care of. Kids do not need to help out on that. Need to make a will.
So, I again commend those who planned accordingly and were able to retire at age 50 or earlier as we did not. One to many beers, to many moves and one to many kids. But it was good with a lot of memories. Hope they keep making Old Mill but the other night they did run out in our local bar.
My advice from an older one, live for today, plan for tomorrow and somehow it does work out. db
Have the normal ups and downs one has and for the most part our health is as it was at the beginning of 2022. Sometimes it seems like we have more than our share of down with life but that is not true.
SS income and some funds from the time in Vietnam (total 5000) have kept the checking account at the same balance as we started this past year. That income is now about $5,900 monthly. Bills of health insurance of 1,000, other insurance of 450, electricity of 350, water of 125 and tv/phone of 300 for 2,225 leaving 3,600 or about 100 per day each month. Not sure where that goes but it does go. Gas as a lot of trips to the grandkids.
At one time my one main concern was once we retired was having sufficient funds to do what we wanted to do. I knew i would have more to do than time allow for me.
Out of debt at age 66 and at that time the bulk of our funds were acquire from 66 to 73 when i retire. 77% of that is in cash (cd, checking, cash around house) with 23% i gave to Ed Jones and Jackson to invest. Those funds lost $11,000 this year and if it gets back to what in was at the beginning of the year, they will be cashed into CDs.
Wife will take your annual trip with daughters and this year to Olando. For me a week trip to northern Canada for shed hunting.
Got a trailer for bike and need to put hitch on. Told wife we are going to take more trips this year and she said not long ones anymore. Maybe a newer Dodge pickup. Hopefully, I will at least take the bow off the wall next fall and buy the two guns i have wanted for a number of years.
Got older and concern comes from what is all going on and we are trying to ignore all this crab and live out an old age. Need to find a place to die and be bury at. Had additional funds set aside for the two of us for the burial so that is taken care of. Kids do not need to help out on that. Need to make a will.
So, I again commend those who planned accordingly and were able to retire at age 50 or earlier as we did not. One to many beers, to many moves and one to many kids. But it was good with a lot of memories. Hope they keep making Old Mill but the other night they did run out in our local bar.
My advice from an older one, live for today, plan for tomorrow and somehow it does work out. db
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