Most all pickup will pull that load down the highway at 75 mph. Try stopping that load. I ran a F350 for many yrs. I know how they brake.
Good luck
I have seen Farmer/Ranchers pulling 30 to 40 ft stock trailers down thehighway with a load of cattle. Same thing they will pull it, just damn hard to stop them.
If'n a guy is pulling 10,000 lbs and above without trailer brakes, well...I don't know what to say about that level of dumb. My brakes work just fine.
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Ha and we wonder why innocent people get involved in accidents and die on the roadway. Utterly stupid
Really? A guy pulls the speed limit in a properly setup fifth wheel and you're going to go there? Obviously there's a different braking/stopping distance for different vehicles on the highway. Can semi-tractors stop in the same distance as a sedan?