Do Salmon do ok in a livewell when it's hot out ? Just wondering incase I catch one , My dad claimed rainbow trout had to be bled out and thrown on ice so that's all I know.
Do Salmon do ok in a livewell when it's hot out ? Just wondering incase I catch one , My dad claimed rainbow trout had to be bled out and thrown on ice so that's all I know.
Can you elaborate on your post some? In all seriousness, I'm uneducated. I'd like to hear what people think is currently "wrong"? What has happened?
I am basing my opinion on the salmon fisheries of Fort Peck and Oahe. They generally have better salmon fishing for numbers and size then Sak. Yes Fort Peck has more cold water habitat but I don't believe lake Oahe does. Forage should not be a problem. Back in the early 80s the salmon would get in the high 20s for weight on SaK. I personally would like a salmon fishery that I could catch my limit on occasion of 10lb salmon while downrigger fishing in late July and through August. I feel the salmon fishery on Sak has been spinning its wheels. Sak has had high water and good forage for 4 years now.
Do Salmon do ok in a livewell when it's hot out ? Just wondering incase I catch one , My dad claimed rainbow trout had to be bled out and thrown on ice so that's all I know.
It is my understanding the salmon in oahe and peck are more dependent on cisco than smelt, which is opposite of what sak has too offer. This possibly leads to faster growth rates.... our fisheries guys do a very good job with the conditions sak gives them to work with. I already got shot down on my lake trout idea..... so maybe let 30k rainbows go around the dam and see if thatll supplement the daily basket. Russ, put in an order for next year. #hugesakakawearainbowsinfivetotenyears.
Do Salmon do ok in a livewell when it's hot out ? Just wondering incase I catch one , My dad claimed rainbow trout had to be bled out and thrown on ice so that's all I know.