I'll be heading out I drove around today a little saw 4 flocks of huns in about a 10 Mile drive so that seamed promising
I have not seen a flock of huns in 10 years in my corner of the state. Wish the Game and Fish would plant some here, they are fun to hunt.I'll be heading out I drove around today a little saw 4 flocks of huns in about a 10 Mile drive so that seamed promising
I usually wait for the first snow and go for a hun drive. I typically shoot 3 a year and let the rest try to survive. It's crazy that the wet spring of 1993 clobbered them and they haven't rebounded to even close to what they were prior.
I usually wait for the first snow and go for a hun drive. I typically shoot 3 a year and let the rest try to survive. It's crazy that the wet spring of 1993 clobbered them and they haven't rebounded to even close to what they were prior.
I have been running a combine for guy and am very pleased at the amount of birds I've seen.