Same experiences every body of water, similar situations in Lake Erie years ago. Ten miles from shore, no other boat in sight. Half hour later, boat motors comes off plane and sets up 30 feet away. Buddy lands 8 pouder, looks at it disgusted shakes head and throws it back. Other boat jaws hit floor, they pick up and leave. Funniest thing I ever saw fishing. To the original poster, if you are anchored motoring vessel must stay clear (Except in navigation channel) both parties are responsible to avoid collision. I will have to check ND regulations but general rule of thumb is motoring vessel must stay 100' away and is responsible for any damage wake causes. Next time take a picture and send to NDDNR and see if they can contact boat owner. May end up in a ticket. If both vessels are drifting, they both must stay clear. Personally I take Campchef's approach, I try to stay away from other boats. Usually I don't like the music they are playing, or the audio fish alert they have on (those were really annoying). I find I don't catch as many fish, but tend to catch larger fish.