Barrels are "wear items" just like brake pads and tires. For the most part, ~$700 + 3-5 wks and you're back up and running. If you need a specific/specialty bbl taper it might take a bit longer, but, it should be easy enough to budget the necessary time ahead of time. Short of physical damage or perhaps that "once in a lifetime" high-volume prairie dog shoot, barrels don't just puke, it's a slow regression giving away accuracy and velocity in small increments.
I've never fallen in love with a set of brake pads/rotors, tires, an oil filter, set of wipers, or any other wear-item on a car. Nor have I ever been so enamored with any rifle barrel that I wouldn't shoot it to "Welding-smell" hot just for grins. On that note, Jiffy's poor factory Rem 22-250 tube just WILL NOT give up the ghost despite a reasonably fair effort on his part to melt it.