I see an awefull lot of newer Fords Cancered out as well. I don't see too many chevys with rust anymore but when half the pickup is made of plastic I guess...............
I am not OCD but I drive more gravel than pavement and I do my own service work and I hate nothing worse than having dirt falling down my shirt and back of my neck when under the vehicle on my hoist. I spend more time washing the chassis and under body of my vehicles than I do the painted surfaces. My friends use to hate that about me, I have always had nicer vehicles and they would wash and wax them for me as I could of cared less what the outside looked like as long as the cab was neat and orderly and there was no mud hanging off the underside come time to service it.
I am not OCD but I drive more gravel than pavement and I do my own service work and I hate nothing worse than having dirt falling down my shirt and back of my neck when under the vehicle on my hoist. I spend more time washing the chassis and under body of my vehicles than I do the painted surfaces. My friends use to hate that about me, I have always had nicer vehicles and they would wash and wax them for me as I could of cared less what the outside looked like as long as the cab was neat and orderly and there was no mud hanging off the underside come time to service it.
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