Dodge/Ram Trucks

Wild and Free

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
west of mandan
I see an awefull lot of newer Fords Cancered out as well. I don't see too many chevys with rust anymore but when half the pickup is made of plastic I guess...............

I am not OCD but I drive more gravel than pavement and I do my own service work and I hate nothing worse than having dirt falling down my shirt and back of my neck when under the vehicle on my hoist. I spend more time washing the chassis and under body of my vehicles than I do the painted surfaces. My friends use to hate that about me, I have always had nicer vehicles and they would wash and wax them for me as I could of cared less what the outside looked like as long as the cab was neat and orderly and there was no mud hanging off the underside come time to service it.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
I laugh when I read about rust on certain makes of vehicles, I call BS, I have had numerous vehicles and have run several past 300K miles and have never had any rust on a single one. I call BS on the rust issue on Dodge alone, comes down to people being lazy about washing their vehicle, if people think the car wash is going to get you clean enough in the areas like inner fenders then you all will have rusty vehicles no matter the make.

Get a Dodge I have had many of them and the new Hemi is as bullet proof and tested an engine as far as longevity and durability as any. I am on Dodge pickup #5. Had a 95 1/2 ton with 360, wanted bigger better and went with a 99 2500 V10 had that for only a year and wanted a diesel after buying too much for gas for that hog then traded for an 02 Cummins and along the way added an 05 cummins and when diesel was over 4 bucks a gallon for so long I sold the 02 as I couldn't justify driving 2 diesels as daily drivers and I then bought a 2010 1500Hemi. Loved them all except for the V10 option, never a single issue with any of them still have the 05 cummins. Had a 95 Neon that we put 310K miles on, wife bought it new drove it 11 years, after we sold it we saw it running around Bismarck for a couple more years, Would like to know how many miles were on it when it was retired?

I am a heavy diesel tech and worked at a truck shop in Bismarck years ago and used to get many pickups through the doors and I can say the only brand we saw on a regular basis with between 500k to one with 1.1 million miles on it were Dodge Cummins. Never saw a Ford or Chevy with more than 300-400K ever in the shop.

They all have their strong and week points but after working on them all, Chevy is at the bottom of my list overall for durability of a Pickup. I grew up hard core chevy and couldn't be swayed until I got older and sick of working on every one I have ever owned and when Dodge came out with the new 2nd generation body in 94 I knew I wanted one and got a 95 and have not looked back, been awesome for me and I am rather hard on vehicles and use them hard, well maintained and cared for but used very hard.

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Oh yeah did I say I was hard on my pickups lol.
Here is a bit of what I used to do with my 02, Had 560 hp and 980 Tq at the rear wheel on the dyno, I power pulled for several years, daily drove it and did a couple drag races with it, best time was in an 1/8 mile run did it in 7.89 seconds can't remember the speed I think it was high 80's Weighing in @ around 7800lbs. and not a single issue in 155K miles even with the abuse I dished out to it.

Excellent reply! I couldn't agree more. And I drive a Ford and a Toyota "both old".
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