Jim Simmers
Established Member
Obviously you dont understand and wont listen with an open mind. Advantage plans no not require referrals. You can see any doctor that accepts Medicare, most plans are PPOs and there is a network but even out of network, if you can find an out of network doctor for Medicare benefits, good luck. There is a chance but it is small. You cant compare your drug plan through your employer to one through a Medicare plan. Its different and that's awesome for you. Not everyone here is as lucky as you are. As far as dental, vision and hearing, they are included at no extra cost. I offer Medicare supplements, Medicare cost plans and Medicare Advantage. So, where am I biased? To be biased I would have to offer one over another. I offer them all. I see and understand how they all work. I get recertified every year.Oh man I can’t believe I’m doing this! I said I would not so I am a dink.
Jim give it up! You are not doing your self any favors! Advantage plans are not the end all.
Why does a g or n plan or other gap plan not need a max out of pocket? Because the coverage for that 20% you refer to is covered 100%. Yes a n plan has a co pay for office visits. Might cost you a couple hundred bucks at most for most people much less. The big thing for me is the pharmacy. I am in a BCBS group plan with my former employer. I am a diabetic and have had congestive heart failure. I am on 3 diabetes drugs and 3 heart drugs. Now I.could go into drug tiers. I know them all too well. There is a major difference between tiers with gap plans and advantage plans.Will tell you my pharmaceutical coverage with my group gold plan with drug plan and monthly premium is less per year than any advantage plan. And no hassle. No denials no referrals. And more.
I will tell you from experience that max out of pocket is not the only thing to consider and what I pay for drugs and med coverage is less than most max out of pocket c plans.
What does suck is that dental is not covered. Now talk to any dentist or do the math yourself. If you need a cavity filled every few years and cleanings twice a year dental insurance does not pencil out. If you have dental issues it will make sense. I get vision screens and a discount on glasses and contacts. Not vision coverage.
I was in the hospital two times in in 2023. And with my pharmacy needs I can guarantee I’m on the right plan. Wife had cancer, will be on cancer drugs for several years. By her doctor recommendation/ approval. Not Humana. She is not at Medicare age and we are not sure if my employer plan is right for her or if we should consider an advantage plan? I am worried about approvals referrals with advantage plans? I’ve been there! Her drug costs other than the cancer drug is minimal. So advantage plan could be right for her.
Jim again you are not doing your self any favors! You are a salesman for Medicare coverage. And that’s ok! But you are biased! You can not be. This is not if gap is a better option or advantage plans are a better option! This is do your homework see what’s best for your situation! But to make claims that advantage plans are best for 99.5% of seniors is snake oil.
Just drop it. You will be doing your self a favor.
Medicare doesn't have an out of pocket max, that's why some choose to get a supplement. And don't worry about me doing myself any favors, I do this for a living and can talk about this all night long. So here is an example for you. Medicare part B is $164.50 per month. A Humana plan N for a 75 year old male non tobacco is $155.69 per month. If you need a drug plan that's an average of $34.00 and foreign travel $250. Now because we need to keep it apples to apples, a Dental plan averages about $50 and vision coverage is $15.00 you also pay the part B deductible of $226 and a few doctor visits @ $20=$60, that's a whopping total of $5566.28 per year total Medicare costs for a calendar year. Now lets look at an Advantage plan. Part B premium of $164.50. premium, $0, deductible, $0, Drugs plan, dental, vision, hearing aid coverage, gym membership, otc and a meal program all for nothing more. so with a $0 premium Medicare Advantage plan with Part D, $164.50 per month Part B or $1974 per year. that's a total savings of $3592.28 yearly savings. So in 10 years thats $35922.80 in total savings. So worse care scenario you hit a Max out of pocket 1 time and spent $4000 one year, that's one year out of 10 and it only cost you $407.72 more than your current plan. That's assuming your plan N never took a rate increase. Numbers do not lie. I see this every day! It is real, they do work and thats why they will continue to be popular and will grow.
So you do the math, if there are 65 million seniors on Medicare, and 52% are on an advantage plan, and if I feel that 99ish % are better off on an Advantage plan, that's still a sizable number that might be better off on a lettered supplement.
Now I also understand you want me to do myself a favor by dropping it. I think that's because you know you are far from correct. You might be for you and that's great. But your needs are not the same as anyone else's. So like I said a couple days ago; You do you! No snake oil here! Happy Holidays buddy.