Gabe, quit with the "we didn't force you to click on it" bullshit. Remember, we're members of an outdoorsman forum to discuss topics that pertain to our life, which will include politics. You do not comment on anything but controversial and political topics. Go to a god damn political website if you want to discuss only politics. You don't offer one bit of outdoorsman advice on any websites. You're long-winded reply's and excessive hyperlinking can stay over at fishing bud.....never mind, you got banned. Well nodakoutd........never mind, you got banned there as well. Anyone else seeing a pattern?
Easy man.
Take a look at the political forum section and count the number of posts I have made on this site and how many are in the political forum section and you might want to reconsider the claim you made.
As a matter of record, go over on FBO and see how many "political" threads I started... you might be surprised at the low number.
There are any number of threads on this site I have not "clicked" on because they either do not interest me or I know they will be the same people talking about the same stuff. It simply baffles me how some people do not have that apparent self control.
Sorry if I do not join in on your antics on the "hottest woman" and fantasy football thread often enough, (two topics that really do not fit with
my interests in an "outdoorsman" forum) . But other than this mention, I don;t obsess over it when others do. (have clicked on the hottest woman thread as I am a hetro male, but pretend football has not attracted my "clicking")
Hey don;t they have fantasy football sites you could go to?
I offer "advice" when people contact me via PM rather than on public forums where there are others with far better advice than mine being offered. I've explained that before when being accused of not being a "sportsman". (if you wish as a rancher I could offer you some advice on beef quality that you will receive from the Iowa Steak Company as beef quality is something I know a bit about, hint they are not actually selling choice beef, more likely select minus which can be good if properly processed and prepared right)
As to the "banning", it likely has a bit to do with weak kneed moderators (the fact one is plainsman likely contributed to my demise..twice) and a small handful of people whining.
And once again, I have no problem with political discussions being in their own little department... so relax man.
Oh and by the way, down the road we will have some half blood Akaushi beef for sale...or at least half the animal for sale ...but that's another non outdoorsman political/governmental interference topic I would hate to be accused of starting.
My apologies for the "hyper link".