

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Huh ….? Obviously…. I’m saying a muzzy doe takes about 1 point to draw

Have you forgotten your previous posts ?

There was people that dumped 9 bonus points on a muzzleloader doe tag ….. good grief times must be tough lol
willing to bet age played a big part in that decision.

Yeh . To each their own . For people that just live to get out and hunt it’s a good option it’s about an every other year draw for a muzzy Doe
If they had 9 points they weren’t trying for does and drawing “ every other year “


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
I do have whitetail doe tag again in 4D this year. I have hunted that area since the early 90's and there were more whitetail deer last year in that area than I have ever witnessed. If the numbers are anything like we found last year I will take a doe, if they are down I will not take one.

Odd. I had a WT buck tag in 4E last year. The only WT buck I ran across on public land was a small buck that ran across the highway by Amidon in the wee hours of the morning. And it was crossing over into 3F1. Terrible deer season for me.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
How do u get any antlered 3f2 when that tag wasn’t 100% draw first choice ? I’m guessing you got a whitetail tag
It's technically the 3rd drawing. Remember when you apply, you are asked for 1st choice of deer in your 1st choice of unit? That's the first drawing. Then there's the 2nd choice of deer in your 1st choice unit, that's the second draw. The 3rd drawing is the 1st choice deer in your 2nd choice unit. Then, of course there's the 4th drawing for 2nd choice deer in your 2nd choice of unit.

Most antlered tags go out in the 1st draw, but as we already know there is one unit (3F2) where antlered WT tags are available all the way through those first 4 drawings. Historically speaking, a couple of units have had antlered tags available in the 2nd and 3rd drawing. Often they are WT tags where the WT land is mostly private and locked up pretty tight. For example, finding a good WT buck on public land in 4E is a tough way to make a living, even in good years.


Honored Member
Apr 18, 2016
Not related to him. I don't know how I feel about deer in ranches during the winter and the ranchers running them off. On one hand it's their livelihood the deer are effecting and on the other hand would the damage from the deer really break them financially. I know silage and stuff gets tricky from deer droppings and damage and every situation is different so i try not to judge to much.

The number one thing we can do is focus on habitat. I'll use myself as an example. The family farmhouse sits on about 46 acres that is mine. of that about 30 acres is cropland. I get $70/acre rent for cropland. That is $2100/year that i get for doing absolutely nothing. My plan for 2025 is to surround it in tree rows. I'm doing 8-10 rows deep all the way around, tree species for wildlife to keep raptors down for birds and provide thermal/browse for deer. The rest will be planted into tallgrass prairie. Now i have -$2100 along with planting costs, herbicide costs, mowing costs for weeds, replacement tree costs, fuel costs, equipment costs, and a whole lot of time every year. All while the rest of my family breaks up any grassland around because the cropland rent is way higher and they don't hunt much and it's tough to blame them. The question i ask myself is how do we put a value on wildlife so the outdoorsman and non hunters alike are willing to sacrifice to support habitat improvements.

The 2nd best thing that we as sportsman can do is police ourselves. Not rely on the game and fish to tell us how many deer can be shot in an area. If we don't feel the numbers are high enough we eat our tag. If there is enough deer take one home. The same goes for pheasants or partridge and any other game.
Well im glad u repor
Huh ….? Obviously…. I’m saying a muzzy doe takes about 1 point to draw
Uh yeah the antlers unit is a shit show draw both my old man an me had 11 pp am nothing which is alright.with me because deer are still rebuilding in my area.


Honored Member
Apr 18, 2016
It's technically the 3rd drawing. Remember when you apply, you are asked for 1st choice of deer in your 1st choice of unit? That's the first drawing. Then there's the 2nd choice of deer in your 1st choice unit, that's the second draw. The 3rd drawing is the 1st choice deer in your 2nd choice unit. Then, of course there's the 4th drawing for 2nd choice deer in your 2nd choice of unit.

Most antlered tags go out in the where antlered WT tags are available all the way through those first 4 drawings. Historically speaking, a couple of units have had antlered tags available in the 2nd and 3rd drawing. Often they are WT tags where the WT land is mostly private and locked up pretty tight. For example, finding a good WT buck on public land in 4E is a tough way to make a living, even

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