anyone have any experience with the gps boundary fence collars like the spot on or halo. I need one for the pup since we live only a couple hundred yards off of hwy 83 but have 40 acres she can run on with my old lab and would hate to not let her have some freedom but i've lost more than a couple dogs to the highway.
I have seen some dogs around town with them they seem to work till they see something that is more valuable than the shock unless its the hand of god and fries them even then a bold dog still pushes through. Being by a high way like that i can see the usefullness.
From a training and just obedience stand point they do more harm than good. I wouldnt use one till the dog is properly collar conditioned for the first thing. If they are just getting zapped and dont know why it will cause all kinds of confusion. I dont think letting dogs run around and free roam with out some one out there is good and guys with alot more expertise than me who do it for a living agree. I can see if its just a farm dog but with the time and effort involved and alot of times money its just not worth it. Its one of those things that we are putting human reasoning for an action knowing we would not like to be in a kennel or crate but dogs dont think that way.
The first six month of the dogs life they should drag a leash or check cord around any time they are more than a arms reach away so they learn you say something once. How many times have you been out in the field and you hear a guy yelling the same thing at the dog and he just gives them the middle finger they learn real fast oh i dont have to listen till they deem the dog wants to then the guy gets pissed and lights the dog up out of anger.
As a little one make them love the crate and kennel and then you always have a safe space for them to stay.
One of the draw backs of a high drive working dog is you need to be able to control that crazy