The only thing that will preserve hunting in this modern world is public land. Any type of pay to play when it comes to hunting will reduce to only the wealthy hunt. Only in the imagination of the enviouse are the wealthy numerous. Politicians live by polls and when our numbers are diminished the anti hunters will win. More and more in our modern society only money has value.
Why do these states want the public land ? They have spent beyond their means and want more tax revenue. I don't know about all public land, but look at land owned by the U S Fish and Wildlife Service in North Dakota. I don't remember the compensation state and local gov get, but I think it's something like 70% of what they would get if a farmer or rancher owned it. At first one would think that's not fair, but what are taxes for? They are for education, to protect your buildings in the event of fire, to send law enforcment if your threatened, to build and maintain roads etc. However uninhibited land has no people requiring any of these services. So whats fair? People want the public land to make up for their own failures. They are already overcompendated. As for public land (that was originally all public land) the remaing (after giving most to individual homesteaders and states) is now managed by federal agencies, and I don't know if there is any compensation beyond cheap grazing.