Northern oahe circuit


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Apr 15, 2015
Well the last couple days were days I wouldn't normally spend on the water, but the tournament forces things. Friday was some bad wind with extreme heat. We were pre-fishing, trying to find an area where there might be some bigger fish. Since we didn't want to travel way north and fight 4 ft rollers for 40 miles back we went way up the Grand River. Started at the HWY 12 bridge, nothing. Real dirty water. Checked a bunch of spots I've never even tried before up there, caught fish, here and there, but by the end of the day we had one 15" fish. We had pre-fished last Sat. and I fished Wed. and found fish, just no size.

So yesterday the wind is out of the North in the morning, strong. They delayed the tournament start 30 minutes. That meant the last flight leaves at 9:00, and of course thats us. My partner has backed out last minute the last 2 years so we never get in until late. I knew people were fishing the flats right south of town and along the inside Moose flats. With the wind we decided to do that first. A LOT of boats must have had the same plan, the flats were packed. Well we started cranking and had a 16" fish in 2 minutes. The boat in front of us (using BB) lands two nice fish, maybe over 20's? So we rig two rods with 3 oz BB and squeez them in between a couple cranking rods. Then a 23" comes in NICE. Sure wished they wouldn't have delayed the start! So after an hour of busy fishing we had a 14,15,16, and 23", and the wind dies down considerably. ?? Do we make the run North, 40 miles?? Well with fish in the boat we stay. Ended up weighing one 15", three 16", an 18" and the 23" 11.97 good for 20th and our $$ back. And we qualify for the end tournament in August, :((UHHGG) I'm not really a tourney guy but its kind of fun with Rudy in the boat. His brother owns the boat, Rudy comes in so we don't kill each other and keeps it fun LOL. He may have cost another over 20 I didn't see it. He got a little excited with one on a BB and there isn't much line out on those rods. They hook themselves so so on BB going over 2 mph gotta really be careful on those two rods. In the end, we should have went to Kenel fishing slowed way down after the wind went down. We fished those flats from 5-12 ft. There are a lot of weeds on the flats. Requires constant line management.


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Apr 15, 2015
Anyone fishing Pollock this weekend? Word is EJ went to the Kenel flats to win Mobridge last week.


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Apr 15, 2015
Any word on how the Gettysburg tournament went? I can't find results.


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Founding Member
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Apr 15, 2015
I have to say that in just year 2 the circuit has ironed out a few wrinkles. The results are easier to find but could be up a little faster. Gettysburg allowed 3 guys per team for the first time which adds is consistent with all but one tournament, Pollock. I'm not sure why Pollock hasn't made the switch? Wouldn't it bring that many more wallets to town? I wish they could spread the dates out a little better, but I understand the Wolves tournament had seen years of crappy weather and no bite in early May. I'm really not much of a tournament fisherman, but I have to admit that linking the tournaments is a little interesting. Normally one tournament would be enough, but once you place for finale, I contemplated getting in more. If they weren't 2 day tournaments I probably get in Pollock n Gettysburg.

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