one year later


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Southeast Bismarck
Good thread to reflect upon. I'm 50, and although it's never too late to better one's self, I'm pretty happy.

I made some major changes a few years back, and I don't miss my "old life" a bit. I haven't had a hangover in years, and that right there, is truly something.

3 years ago, on New Years day, my wife and kids and I landed in Denver, after a couple of weeks in Ethiopia. We returned as a family of four, plus one. My little girl from Ethiopia loves life, and is happy as a clam, with us. At least, it seems so. She's a pure joy.

12 years ago, my wife was fighting colorectal cancer, and if God hasn't blessed my family, I don't know what else to say. 12 years and she is doing just fine.

In the meantime, as my kids grow, I feel like I need to focus more on them, for their time with us is passing too quickly for my liking. Next year, my oldest daughter goes to high school. That leaves a bit of a lump in my throat, and a bit of fear as time passes so very rapidly.

All in all, my family and I have been blessed. There's no two ways about it. Good health (although we did have COVID go through the house in December) and my wife and I are both still employed at jobs we like. Nice house, good neighbors, lots of good friends, and we still live in good old ND.

In short, there are fish to catch, and I'm still able. So, everything is turning up roses...


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
db, serious question, does the activities of todays youth give you any concern? Or did we go through this same type of shenanigans 50 years ago? Talking the riots, BLM, pro sport kneeling, etc.

Enjoyed your post, and thanks for sharing.

- - - Updated - - -

db, serious question, does the activities of todays youth give you any concern? Or did we go through this same type of shenanigans 50 years ago? Talking the riots, BLM, pro sport kneeling, etc.

Enjoyed your post, and thanks for sharing.

Thumbs Up


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2016
We all have those ups and downs and sometimes i feel we have more than our share of downs. However that is not true and overall i feel we have had a fair amount of ups. Just that life deals different cards to each of us.

At age 50 the wife and i started all over (long story). Sold house for 50000 less than we had into it. I felt little hope going forward but started working for the right employer who trusted me and ask me to run his company for him. I had excellent people to work with and we all did well. Over the next 23 years was able to build enough to hopefully live to be a 100.

Yes Jaykay the kids grow up to quick and now the grandkids are growing up to quick. So as you stated make sure one understands what is important and what is not and make the most of it. Live it to its fullest and that is the why i started this topic, that in the end, when at one time i had little hope for the future it does work out if one works at it, the memories are important so make them good ones to override the crabby ones, the retirement will be good with a whole bunch of new memories to make. DB

- - - Updated - - -

It was different times for you and me back then. Our values were stronger and least the ladies would say no back then. I think they have change the most of all over the years. No drugs, just beer, and beer can not hurt one (well at least when one could only drink maybe 3-4 beers before one got sick and the ladies did not like it when i would throw up, in fact they would leave.

Maybe there were the riots over race and the war back in my youth along with all the other things, just did not notice them and no 7-24 news beating that into my life every day, only on Walter Cronkite 5:30 news for a half hour. No cell phones or internet. No do-gooders telling me what is best for me. I feel it was simpler for us back then than for the youth today.

At least i did not have all the problems in my life that they seem to have now. Maybe growing up on a farm and building haystacks with a pitch fork and loading rocks on a stone boat had something to do with it. Rock and roll, back then one could understand the words and the songs were positive (but country stays the same with the dog that dies and the women finds someone else, PU truck is stolen and so forth). And yes, i believe, beer does affect one different than what drugs do. Found that out in SE Asia.

So yes, it does concern me and that is why we brought our kids up the way we did and we both try to influence our grand kids with what we feel is important for them to know. My one grandson told his teacher that the democrats are bad because that is what grandpa told him, so it is working. At that point i understand the teacher had a problem but that was her problem to work out. Told the grandson that to. (but his mother also inform him about grandpa)

As i look at my own kids and grandkids i am comfortable. I am sure not one of them would knee and do understand. Hope and do trust them for the best and will continue to influence with our values. db

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