Best run state in the nation can't afford to let sick people eat a plant, I think I have seen it all now.
Maybe you can ask gst who he talked to at the capital as well as who is getting hurt the most by the budget cuts, he might have me on ignore. I would like to know
Just got negative rep saying "Don't you have a pipeline protest to be at". Of course not man enough to sign it. And no, the pipeline should've been completed long ago. Sorry I don't agree with reps in the Govt. not listening to what was legally voted on by the tax paying public. It's bullshit.
I listened to what conversation about? Spill the beans tell us what will happen to our fiscal budget cuts who going to be effected.
Maybe you can ask gst who he talked to at the capital as well as who is getting hurt the most by the budget cuts, he might have me on ignore. I would like to know
state agency is being given reduced revnues but they arebeing allowed to determine how they are applied. So short answer.........everyone.
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Don;t play those games.
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Ha I got positive rep that that fella had the balls to sign it!!
You guys that say, raise taxes, can suck my left nut. Maybe the people that run\manage this state should pay for funding it, beings when the oil boom started, these people spent our money like they were printing it in the back room. To me you can't or shouldn't spend it if you don't have it or can't get it. Maybe they should of stopped spending money 2 years ago. Just like the city of Minot is broke and looking for ways to cut spending. They were all depending on oil revenue that started declining over 2 years ago.
And tax viagra to offset some of that cost, there is really a natural way to fix ED, it's called eating pussy
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Ps raise the taxes on alcohol, tobbaco, or scratch off tickets to
it's really kind of a ruse considering there are several billions stashed away in different funds. They should be using that to wean down things over the course of a couple years.You guys that say, raise taxes, can suck my left nut. Maybe the people that run\manage this state should pay for funding it, beings when the oil boom started, these people spent our money like they were printing it in the back room. To me you can't or shouldn't spend it if you don't have it or can't get it. Maybe they should of stopped spending money 2 years ago. Just like the city of Minot is broke and looking for ways to cut spending. They were all depending on oil revenue that started declining over 2 years ago.
I think they are trying to restrict so much of it that they loose the ability to tax enough dispensoriesAll the other states that have had this in place for years have made money, helped people, and have added some stability to fiscal policies. So where the hell is our problem again?
Old school thinking in a new school world. They are clinging to the old Reefer Madness way of thinking. I for one have smoked it all of once and that was many years ago. But I for one would definitely like to see if it could help with the headaches I get because of some mesed up vertebrae in my neck. If it could help cut off some of the aspirin and Aleve I have to take daily to keep them held back it probably would be appreciated by my gut so it doesn't have to chew through all the NSAIDs!All the other states that have had this in place for years have made money, helped people, and have added some stability to fiscal policies. So where the hell is our problem again?