Spoken like a true, I'm not going to let some kid shoot my buck. They can shoot Whitetail does only. And leave the buck tags for the regular season or draw.I'm all about youth hunting/retention, but youth tags should be limited whitetail doe tags only, and only if the herd can handle it:
no mule deer tags for youth--population can't handle it.
whitetail doe tags only--if the population can handle it.
Buck tags only for the regular draw:
1st any-deer is excitement enough, be it a nice doe.
Buck harvest is a new acheivement for later hunter experience.
All gratis tags should be limited to 10% of that unit's allocation (ALL big game animals.)
Moose & elk gratis tags should be once-in-a-lifetime for landowners also.
Gratis tags are valid on their land only for the season's first 4 1/2 days...then anywhere in their unit(s) only as listed on their gratis application.
I kind of agree with this, but on the other hand, give him the tag and do a better job a making sure that person is only hunting his own land. They would never harvest if that were the case.Gratis laws should change as well. As a landowner with the required 150 acres, you need to have suitable habitat to hold big game...not 150 acres of a black desert.
Whaaaaaat? Well they'd never do anything like that........well ok, maybe they do. Actually, my somewhat "guess" is MOST do that.I kind of agree with this, but on the other hand, give him the tag and do a better job a making sure that person is only hunting his own land. They would never harvest if that were the case.
You’re not looking in the right placesIn my little corner of the world, I seen 10-1 Muley doe vs any other type of deer...just saying.
??? So private land animals don’t count towards the population? If management becomes landowner discretion then hell, I decided that there’s always 5 too many bucks on my land. Pretty convenient for my bother and 3 buddies that we will all get to hunt together again.I have a hard time with this bill. I think there is a possibility that it could be good with some stipulations. Maybe allow mule deer does on private land only. Let the landowners decide how many deer they want on the land. Exclude the western portion of the state for mule deer does. I don't think it's all bad but to let kids hammer away on mule deer wherever they please could definitely be a detriment to the population.
That’s kind of how I see it as well. I would think trying to pump up the population by not allowing doe harvest for 3-5 years first and then taking a look at a youth situation would sound a lot better I completely understand the idea and agree with the youth aspect of things but it’s a tricky situation with the status of the mule deer populations. Ive had one tag in 14 years of putting in for our west. My brother and I had a conversation the other day that at the rate you get a tag we may only get 2-3 more tags in our lifetime in ND. At least when we are able bodied. Just let the kids shoot ma or pa’s deer like the good ol daysIF WE HAD THE POPULATION!! How long does it normally take to draw a damned antlered mule deer tag out west for Christ sake!!?? Now they want to kill more does? That makes a shitload of sense boys.
Ya I didn't go very far from home which is mainly muley country. It wouldn't hurt to thin out a few where I was hunting.You’re not looking in the right places![]()
So let me get this straight. You think because i said to let kids hunt private land for mule deer does only equates to you and 3 buddies automatically getting buck tags. I never once mentioned that it didn't effect the population. Never once did i say landowners should have the only say in population management. Is making the tags private land only not letting the landowners decide though how many deer they want on their land. Yes this would impact the population but this would also aid in pushing deer off private land into public areas if the landowners would allow kids to hunt that they normally wouldn't allow other hunters and would also have a drastically less impact than allowing youth hunters to harvest does in the majority of the badlands and would also stop from putting more pressure on deer in public areas pushing them to private land. Maybe pull your head out of your ass approach something with an open mind, learn reading comprehension and quit having bias towards your own feelings when reading something.??? So private land animals don’t count towards the population? If management becomes landowner discretion then hell, I decided that there’s always 5 too many bucks on my land. Pretty convenient for my bother and 3 buddies that we will all get to hunt together again.
Jesus dude. Im pretty open minded. I get what your saying that there may be pockets of muleys on private land that provide opportunity. But you can’t manage a deer herd down to the square mile. If there’s too many, they’ll move off. We all agree that mule deer pops are in the shitter.So let me get this straight. You think because i said to let kids hunt private land for mule deer does only equates to you and 3 buddies automatically getting buck tags. I never once mentioned that it didn't effect the population. Never once did i say landowners should have the only say in population management. Is making the tags private land only not letting the landowners decide though how many deer they want on their land. Yes this would impact the population but this would also aid in pushing deer off private land into public areas if the landowners would allow kids to hunt that they normally wouldn't allow other hunters and would also have a drastically less impact than allowing youth hunters to harvest does in the majority of the badlands and would also stop from putting more pressure on deer in public areas pushing them to private land. Maybe pull your head out of your ass approach something with an open mind, learn reading comprehension and quit having bias towards your own feelings when reading something.
I do get wound tight about a dumb comment about you and 3 buddies getting to shoot bucks because I said let landowners choose whether a kid shoots a doe on theirs or not. Sorry for over reacting. From my area I hunt and talking to others the only place mule deer populations are in the crapper is western part of the state. After EHD hit around Bismarck the mule deer numbers seem to have increased. I haven’t let a kid or anyone shoot a doe on mine since ehd hit but would have no problem letting them shoot a mule deer. Their population is doing well in the area I hunt and if the population gets lower just because a kid has a tag doesn’t mean I would let them shoot one. I will say I wouldn’t have voted for the bill though, but sounds like we will be stuck with so hopefully they can make the best of it and have some stipulations.Jesus dude. Im pretty open minded. I get what your saying that there may be pockets of muleys on private land that provide opportunity. But you can’t manage a deer herd down to the square mile. If there’s too many, they’ll move off. We all agree that mule deer pops are in the shitter.
You said to let landowners decide how many deer are taken. You said exclusively to private land. I guess your wound a little too tight to take a cynical jab.
High probability thats one of the areas i was referring to earlier where it isnt “state” managed and numbers are popping…..Ya I didn't go very far from home which is mainly muley country. It wouldn't hurt to thin out a few where I was hunting.