Sb 2315 - final house vote delayed!!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Red yellow green was a f$&@?! joke. Im a landowner. Dont tell me i have to mandate a category for my land. I want nothing to do with it. And that private property right of mine is just as strong as you have. This whole argument makes it seem like landowners cant post already. Throw up a sign. And if this wasnt about controlling every acre, the committee would have adopted Terry Steinwands amendments about one cat only for red. Posted only. There was your compromise.

Fritz the Cat

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Founding Member
May 11, 2015
Meaning.....if private property owners initiated these meetings and THEN didn't show, they would lose credibility.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Gentlemen. Now that we've DODGDED this bullet yet AGAIN, may I suggest that those of you in districts where your Senators and/or Representatives voted yes, that you spend some time in the local cafe/bar campaining to replace these anti hunters come election time. This whole issue IS NOT/WAS NOT a legislative issue that required more laws. IT WAS AND IS AN ENFORCEMENT ISSUE!!!! Proponents of this bill constantly beat the sportsmen up about tresspassers. We already have tresspassing laws and it's OBVIOUS from the proponents of 2315 tesitmonies that these laws are NOT being enforced. WHY NOT????? To little funding for LE?? Not enough or outdated facilites?? To few officers?? Why aren't tresspassers being prosecuted?? Are the states attorneys affraid to prosecute?? Where does the problem lie?? I plan on posing these quesitons to my Senators and Representatives as to why law enforcement and the states attorneys ARE NOT arresting and procecuting these tresspassers?? I also plan on asking my Sheriff how he and his department enforce tresspassing?? It is they and the game warden who have been given jurisdiction in rural areas to do so. Please do not sit idly by and let this issue return. Do something!! Both the Sheriff and the states attorney are ELECTED positions. Ask to see the number of tresspassing complaints in your county. This can be found in several locations from the Sheriffs Office dispatch logs to the 911 operators log. Each complaint or call should have been recorded and have a number associated with it. Then look at the disposition of those complaints. You can track the complaint all the way from the location of the call and which officer responded and when, what the officer found, if any arrests were made, and on through the states attorney's office all the way to the district court judge and clerk of court. This is ALL public information. Using this information, you should be able to readily see where the problem lies. Ask for an internal investigation into tresspassing as this illegal activity is apparently rampant and out of control. If we do nothing but just sigh in relief, we will definately see this again and we may not be so fortunate again. End of Rant!!


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Apr 7, 2016
Daryl Leis actually had the nerve to say in committee hearing that landowners weren’t turning people in and just handling it themselves. And then complain the law isn’t working. Well no shit. The man pronounces his last name wrong.

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
PrairieGhost said,

That's what I have been trying to get across for years. Fritz and GST didn't join these outdoor sites as sportsmen, they came to ride herd
on us
. Keep quiet and let the poison work.

And there it is. Us sportsmen. The legislators like most couldn't make the distinction.

For such a hot button topic there were very few people in the rotunda during the session. I did notice Carmen Miller from Ducks Unlimited, Keith Trego from ND Natural Resources Trust and John Bradley from the ND wildlife federation.

The federal government created the Natural Resources Trust after the Garrison Diversion Project was abruptly stopped when enviro's got inside. $25 million dollars was placed into a Trust and this federal creation spends the interest to facilitate or mediate problems that arise between public resources and private lands. Wink wink

To the right under news, ND wildlife federation hires executive director. Carmen Miller, Keith Trego and John Bradley are executive directors, a paid position.

Grassroots sportsmen's orgs or government surrogates?

Our legislators never made the connection/distinction. Proponents obviously didn't get any push back from trespassers (I mean why would wannabe opposing trespassers testify) but did get a lot of push back from sportsmen. Attacking sportsmen was so wrong headed I can't explain my disappointment.

Kentucky Windage

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Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
Wendy Peffercorn’s Bedroom
One of my reps returned zero emails while using political talking points outside of my district to try to forward their agenda. I’ll be trying to politically destroy that individual next election.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Oct 19, 2015
Where does the credibility stand with the 2 on the floor threatening that all land would be locked up if the bill didn't pass?

Kentucky Windage

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Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
Wendy Peffercorn’s Bedroom
Where does the credibility stand with the 2 on the floor threatening that all land would be locked up if the bill didn't pass?

Zero. What are their names? Pretty easy to find out if they have land and wether it was already posted prior to their empty threats.

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People who say “I’m going to post all my land up tight and no one can enter” have already done it OR are just hanging on that one little excuse to deny everyone. Nothing new here. One can see right through their BS.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
And the damage control begins.....!!!! EVERY proponent, from groups to individuals, of this anti-hunting, anti-sportsmen, and anti-landowner rights POS bill has shown their true colors during the preceeding legislative conflict. Conciliatory comments to the sportsmen voters they tried so vehemently to railroad will be fast comming in an effort to deflect responsibility for their actions. We in the military call this a disorganized retreat. Take note gentlemen on ALL THOSE who have shown their anti hunting views and REMEMBER during the coming years and election cycles!!!
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TFX 186

★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 25, 2016
Once again Fritz coming on here to sound like he backs sportsmen and wants real sportsmen to show up but he sits on the other side with the very same people who ATTACKED sportsmen. Called them Illegitimate! Like Deplorables! As far as I'm concerned, your credibility is zero on here as far as you speaking for (sportsmen). If you gave 2 shits about sportsmen, you wouldn't be sitting with people who want to kill the North Dakota heritage that all the sportsmen on this site hold sacred. That's right all the sportsmen. From landowners to non landowners to hunters and fisherman to trappers to our kids and our grand kids. Your a loser in this fight Fritz and I think you helped stir the shit one too many times.

Fish ON! Fellow Sportsmen!!

Fish On!!

Uncle Jimbo

★★★★ Legendary Member
Jul 24, 2016
PrairieGhost said,

And there it is. Us sportsmen. The legislators like most couldn't make the distinction.

For such a hot button topic there were very few people in the rotunda during the session. I did notice Carmen Miller from Ducks Unlimited, Keith Trego from ND Natural Resources Trust and John Bradley from the ND wildlife federation.

The federal government created the Natural Resources Trust after the Garrison Diversion Project was abruptly stopped when enviro's got inside. $25 million dollars was placed into a Trust and this federal creation spends the interest to facilitate or mediate problems that arise between public resources and private lands. Wink wink

To the right under news, ND wildlife federation hires executive director. Carmen Miller, Keith Trego and John Bradley are executive directors, a paid position.

Grassroots sportsmen's orgs or government surrogates?

Our legislators never made the connection/distinction. Proponents obviously didn't get any push back from trespassers (I mean why would wannabe opposing trespassers testify) but did get a lot of push back from sportsmen. Attacking sportsmen was so wrong headed I can't explain my disappointment.

Employment in a sportsman's org is what makes someone not a real sportsmen?


Apr 13, 2019
Long time listener here, first time poster....

I have to say that etree and this site have been a great resource to know what is occurring on the 2315 front. Some legislators have been less than up front about their intentions and that has been duly noted for the next election. I would also like to thank Nick for his time and effort spent on this. What a wonderful “sportsman” representative for the “illegitimate” and legitimate hunters.

I will say that I watched the whole recording from the house and thought what a Ss (capital S intended)! We have some representatives who definitely need to pack their bags! Two I would like to specifically like to recognize are “illegitimate” Schrieber-Beck and “I over fish, can’t possess guns and haven’t completely paid my fine yet” Headland.

I would also like to be informed on who this fritz is? Seems to me I thought I had seen a reference on a previous thread and saw him in the video as pointed out but don’t know a name.

Btw did anyone catch Rob Portly’s column 🙄

I’ll hang up and listen.

Fritz the Cat

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Founding Member
May 11, 2015

If Hunting Groups Keep Winning Political Battles Over Posting Land They Could Lose the War

1 day ago | by Rob Port
No hunting and no trespassing signs could become a thing of the past under a bill being considered by the North Dakota Legislature. But many conflicts remain to be resolved over Senate Bill 2315. Jenny Schlecht / Forum News Service

As it was originally introduced, SB2315 would have ended the presumption of open access to rural land for activities like hunting. Under current law, if property owners like farmers and ranchers don’t want want the public on their land they have to post it as closed. The intent of SB2315 was to turn that requirement around and make it so land was closed unless posted as open by property owners.
The original bill also included the creation of a state database to facilitate land owners communicating the status of their property.
The bill was amended, though. “Senate Bill 2315, as passed by the Senate, would have set up a database for landowners to choose whether to mark their land open or closed to hunters. Landowners could still have chosen to physically post their land,” my colleague Jenny Schlecht reported yesterday.

Her report was occasioned by the House chamber changing the bill even further. “The bill that passed the House would make few changes to existing law,” she wrote. “It would allow landowners to ask people to leave their land, even if the landowner had chosen not to post it for no trespassing, would prevent people from going on private land for reasons other than hunting and would prohibit people from guiding or outfitting on private land without permission. It also would make entering posted private land without permission a noncriminal offense for a first incident and a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent incidents.”
While this iteration of the bill strengthens our state’s too-lax trespass laws to some degree, it doesn’t address the fundamental problem the property owner side of this debate has, which is that there’s a presumption of access to their land which costs them time and money to block if they don’t want random members of the public traipsing across it.
The bill passed by the House will now go to conference committee, since it’s very different from what the Senate passed. I suspect the two chambers will ultimately agree to pass something. That something is unlikely, at this point, to bring much in the way of resolution.
This debate is a consequential one for the whole state. The property owners, for the most part, are the farmers and ranchers who make up our state’s most important industry. The hunters and other outdoors enthusiasts, however, are central to our state’s tourism industry which, in turn, has been central to long-term efforts to diversify our economy.
If state law makes access to land for things like hunting harder, it could hurt tourism in a major way.
It could also bring about a major cultural shift in our state away from its hunting and outdoors traditions.
So far the hunting/outdoors interests seem to be winning this debate in the Legislature. They’ve flooded lawmakers with messages against this legislation, and lawmakers have responded it by watering this bill down at every turn.
That was always going to be a political obstacle for the land owners. The hunters and other outdoors enthusiasts, who mostly live in the state’s urban areas and even out-of-state, simply outnumber them.
But the land owners have a trump card.
It’s their land.
If the land owners aren’t appeased, more and more of them may well decide they’ve had it with the hunters and the hikers and the snowmobilers, and simply start closing off their land. Which they have every right to do.
If the outdoors enthusiasts don’t make concessions, they may well lose everything.
In the short term the hunters are winning this fight. But if they win enough of these political battles, they may lose the war.

"They flooded lawmakers with emails." Again, the writer didn't make the connection where this email blast came from. The ND wildlife federation ETREE. A controlled opposition org.

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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
yawn - same old shit

those that care have already closed off their land

any new arguments?

why is better enforcement and prosecution never mentioned???

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Rob Port is goofier than a pet coon lately
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Another polarizing piece full of inuendo, guesswork, and supposition. (ie Crap) Hey Fritz, what about the landowners that were opposed to this bill and thought this bill was GARBAGE from the beginning? Do we also NEED to be appeased or are we just to be ignored and overlooked because we don't agree with your politics?? I'm going to try to rally the sportsmen of ND to push for ENFORCEMENT of the current tresspassing laws in their counties in order to HELP landowners deal with this apparently rampant illegal activity. Hopefully, these lawbreakers will be found, arrested, and prosecuted so the landowners of this great state will NO LONGER be plagued by these individuals or at the very least be able to identify where the true problem is. If there really is a problem. Additionally, I hope landowners will then have something to thank the sportsmen for and landowner/sportsmen relations will be improved. Another potential benefit from this effort could be that any future bills such as 2315 will be shown to be unnecessary. Here's your opportunity Sportsmen!! Contact your Sheriffs office and State's attorney and ask questions about the enforcement and procecution of tresspassers and tresspassing complaints. Keep copies of all corespondence for evidence, as it may be useful to defeat the next round of anti hunting legislation concerning tresspassing. If we let this opportunity slip away, we will have nobody to blame but ourselves.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
I am a landowner that opposed it as well

not a legitimate landowner though I suppose - since I opposed it

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
Another polarizing piece full of inuendo, guesswork, and supposition. (ie Crap) Hey Fritz, what about the landowners that were opposed to this bill and thought this bill was GARBAGE from the beginning?

Yes, at the subcommittee hearings there were landowners who testified against the Bill. The lines were long pro and con and it went into overtime.

In Rob Port's column, I do not like any boast about locking everything up. That is not going to happen.

Rep. Mike Brandenburg came so close when he mentioned in so many words that you can't go to Washington DC and lobby against agriculture 8 months of the year and then expect to hunt the other 4. But then he failed to make the distinction making a blanket generalization.... "sportsmen". Hunters don't do fly-ins to DC. but we all know who does.

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