

Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
As an "award winning scientist" (a trusted expert in some arenas - haha) I concur.

However - the degree to which I've seen "science" twisted and manipulated to suit political or ideological agendas in recent years horrified me (see COVID).

So much so that I've now gone back and looked at previous science-based decisions in gov't (eggs, margarine, seed oils, pesticides, herbicides, AIDs, and on and on) and found myself to be equally horrified at the true motivations that drove the gov'ts decisions - and it certainly wasn't the health/benefit of John Q. Public.

COVID revealed, once again, that evil/greed/selfishness/perversion is what motivates most people - and those in power are able to act on them. It's the human condition. I'm now at the point where I question EVERYTHING the government does. To not be cynical would be the definition of foolish. To not be cynical is to NOT practice science.

Fool me once, shame on me...
I like that post and I agree. You don’t have to look hard to find corrupted “science”(Or really corrupted anything). Sometimes it’s government science, sometimes it’s industry science. Kind of like when we were told that leaded gasoline wasn’t hurting anyone and here we find out Exxon bought the “science” to support that. Industry had the government convinced, and it was a man by the name of Clair Patterson who had to knock all those walls of disinformation down to shine a light on the truth about leaded gasoline and its negative impacts to human health.

But that is supposed to be how science works. Self correcting. Show the evidence.

What evidence have the baiting proponents offered? See the all the claims they’ve made above. No evidence.

Once again, no one, not us, not the game and fish, not anyone is saying that they don’t have a right to be skeptical, to ask questions, to want to see the science. The problem, or the frustration, comes when these crazy claims keep getting made and used to rile people up. Folks are literally using conspiracy theories to get people angry so they repeat the claims that have no scientific backing. Introducing bills to make law based on conspiracy theories. Completely disregarding evidence that’s presented.

But this conversation isn’t restricted to just science or scientists. Nothing is incorruptible. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about federal government, state government, county government, city government. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a small private family owned business, a large business or a multi-National corporation. Non profits, foundations, charities, farmers/ranchers/cervid farmers.

They can all be corrupted and there are individual examples of all of those lying or committing crimes to further their own cause or their own profit margins. Nothing is infallible.

But in this instance, and I’m sure many of us will have to agree to disagree, I think the science is more than conclusive. And I’ve talked to enough of these folks around the country working with this disease, that if there was something fishy going on, I think I would’ve sniffed it out by now. I’m a volunteer, paid ZERO dollars…I wouldn’t put up with all nonsense if I wasn’t confident in the information and conclusions. God knows I couldn’t give 2 shits about the ethics of baiting.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
nuanced must be the number one word in the bha hand book. No mater which forum you can always pick em out.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Nice rant BrockW. Everything you said still doesn't explain why Colorado and Wyoming still have strong deer and elk herds after 58 and 38 years respectively of having cwd. IF and I do mean IF this ailment is so dangerous, why haven't the deer and elk herds died off? Deer live what, 5-6 years in the wild and elk about 10-11. That equals 9 generations of deer in Colorado and almost 6 generations of elk. To be honest, I'm not buying the whole apocalyptic end of deer and elk scenario you and others want to put forth. In fact, I think the cwd argument is more interested in the money and political influence that comes with scaring the general public and particularly sportsmen into thinking all the deer are going to die. I say this because if you were really concerned about the deer and elk herds you would put an equal, if not more effort into the study and elimination of EHD. EHD is a real herd killer. When there is an outbreak of EHD, anyone can find the dead deer laying all around water sources. I found 9 carcasses on my own land alone when the last EHD outbreak hit ND with no problem whatsoever. Why can't we find the same thing for cwd? You love to bring scientific studies into this, but you can't quite grasp the fact that it doesn't matter how many studies you bring forth stating cwd kills deer and elk and claiming cwd will decimate deer and elk populations when simple observations indicate the herds are doing fine. All the banning, shooting, culling, astronomical tag numbers, special hunts, and whatever other hairbrained schemes were concocted to control this thing have FAILED MISERABLY! Interestingly enough, after all that and decades of screaming cwd is 100% fatal and will wipe out the deer and elk herds if not controlled, the deer and elk herds in those states with cwd are still there, still having fawns, and still doing what they do in spite of cwd. So, what gives? Why the full court press? Oh yes, now I remember. It might, could, maybe, perhaps, possibly affect people. Well after decades of people eating venison from herds that have cwd.............what happened? Are venison eating people stacked up in the hospitals and clinics? Maybe just a dozen or two? Sorry BrockW, I have zero confidence that cwd is anything other than a cash cow and political bludgeoning stick to impose an agenda on the public and particularily sportsmen. Go after EHD if you want to conserve deer and elk herds. More bang for your buck IMO. Carry On!

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
👆🏻 this is the exact reason summed up perfectly as to why almost 80% of testimony submitted and an overwhelming majority of sportsmen statewide arent buying this CWD narrative anymore either….people see right through it clearly now. It’s a money grab at the public’s expense through herd mismanagement and trampling private citizens rights. Good ideas and management dont need to be sold so vigorously and pushy…… good ideas sell themselves…… I told you Brock people were pissed…..


Founding Member
Founding Member
Nov 12, 2015
Nice rant BrockW. Everything you said still doesn't explain why Colorado and Wyoming still have strong deer and elk herds after 58 and 38 years respectively of having cwd. IF and I do mean IF this ailment is so dangerous, why haven't the deer and elk herds died off? Deer live what, 5-6 years in the wild and elk about 10-11. That equals 9 generations of deer in Colorado and almost 6 generations of elk. To be honest, I'm not buying the whole apocalyptic end of deer and elk scenario you and others want to put forth. In fact, I think the cwd argument is more interested in the money and political influence that comes with scaring the general public and particularly sportsmen into thinking all the deer are going to die. I say this because if you were really concerned about the deer and elk herds you would put an equal, if not more effort into the study and elimination of EHD. EHD is a real herd killer. When there is an outbreak of EHD, anyone can find the dead deer laying all around water sources. I found 9 carcasses on my own land alone when the last EHD outbreak hit ND with no problem whatsoever. Why can't we find the same thing for cwd? You love to bring scientific studies into this, but you can't quite grasp the fact that it doesn't matter how many studies you bring forth stating cwd kills deer and elk and claiming cwd will decimate deer and elk populations when simple observations indicate the herds are doing fine. All the banning, shooting, culling, astronomical tag numbers, special hunts, and whatever other hairbrained schemes were concocted to control this thing have FAILED MISERABLY! Interestingly enough, after all that and decades of screaming cwd is 100% fatal and will wipe out the deer and elk herds if not controlled, the deer and elk herds in those states with cwd are still there, still having fawns, and still doing what they do in spite of cwd. So, what gives? Why the full court press? Oh yes, now I remember. It might, could, maybe, perhaps, possibly affect people. Well after decades of people eating venison from herds that have cwd.............what happened? Are venison eating people stacked up in the hospitals and clinics? Maybe just a dozen or two? Sorry BrockW, I have zero confidence that cwd is anything other than a cash cow and political bludgeoning stick to impose an agenda on the public and particularily sportsmen. Go after EHD if you want to conserve deer and elk herds. More bang for your buck IMO. Carry On!
Exactly well said


Established Member
Jan 6, 2023
Which ones? Apple creek in WI? Show me…

I find the comparisons to Covid to be lazy and lacking in creativity. But I get why that’s an easy and convenient argument.

But Covid mortality rates were what, a fraction of a percent? Prion diseases in humans and animals - 100% fatal. No record, ever, of a human or animal surviving or recovering from a prion disease. Ever.

Sure something might kill you before it does, but like a pack of wolves, prion diseases will run you down and kill you if given enough time. We know for a fact, that for the overwhelming majority of deer, that once infected the clock starts ticking and they have a 16-24 months to live. Sometimes a bit less, sometimes a bit more. The GPS collar research shows this, the experiments run under observation from start to finish show this.

Denying this truth is categorical denialism.

Now, I would agree that if CWD was spread as easily as something like Covid or the flu or the common cold, we would not be wasting time arguing about baiting bans. There would be no point. I know I wouldn’t bother, and I would assume the game and fish wouldn’t either….If it was that contagious.

However, the evidence (infectivity and transmission studies) quite clearly show that is not the case. That it takes doses that are mostly unnatural, or in a natural environment, it takes repeated and prolonged exposure to infect deer. And since this stuff stays in the environment, the more you allow it to grow or provide reservoirs for it (like bait piles) the larger those doses accumulate in the environment and the more animals you can infect from that spot.

But let’s review, you and those apart of your group have either directly supported, or indirectly supported, the following claims.

Humic acid is the cure - no evidence to support that

Copper is the cure - no evidence to support that

It doesn’t kill deer - evidence supports the opposite.

It’s not contagious - evidence supports the opposite

It’s a conspiracy to end hunting - no evidence to support that

It’s a nutritional disease - no evidence to support that

It can be cured with “70 nutrients” - no evidence to support that.

There are no pictures of prions - there are pictures, that includes cryogenic electron microscopy and atomic imaging. The latter of which is the holy grail of the field, equivalent to the mapping of the human genome in the prion field. Yet, a bunch of deer hunters who didn’t even know what a prion was a couple years ago, are calling the entire field of prion diseases in humans and animals a hoax, which includes one of the greatest achievements (atomic imaging) in the field. I’m kidding right? I wish….

Hell, they’re working on vaccines and they have demonstrated in rodents and cattle that they can create genetically engineered animals and knock out PrPc completely and make animals completely immune to prion diseases. Talk about some freaky Frankenstein stuff!

Yet here you guys are, a couple years of google searches, YouTube videos, and a bucket full of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance and you think you’ve got everything figured out.

But oh wait, now the claim is that, “oh it’s real but it’s overblown.”

It’s like an amoeba of an argument, ever shifting into obfuscation.

I suppose next you’ll tell me the deer at RW ranch in those photos wouldn’t have died of CWD, as they were nothing but skin and bones. As a reminder, no animal or human, has ever been documented to have recovered from or survived a prion disease. Ever.

But I would guess none of this will change anything with you guys. Which is why I don’t say any of it to change minds. Only to get info out to the more reasonable folks out there lurking.

I think that was the second? Article I clicked on. First was an 8 year old buck. Then I quit looking when I realized that both of those were over 3x the average lifespan of a deer in North Dakota.

How many deer die due to depopulation and culling that are done unnecessarily?.. or ehd.. one hell of a lot more then CWD.

Again, I hardly ever use the Covid deal.. probably my first time on here, maybe second?.. guessing I’ve brought it up less times than you’ve gotten boosters so it makes sense that you would get a little defensive about that Brock.

I’m on the road so I didn’t read all of your bullet points.. but guessing this sums it up “I’m right, you’re wrong, my science is better.”

In your collar studies, don’t they collar and release deer even if they are CWD positive? That seems very unprofessional of a government agency.

I’ve always said it’s real Brock, and I’ve always thought it was blown out of proportion. Maybe when I get to my destination this evening I’ll take the time to touch on some more bullet points if the paragraph above didn’t sum it up for the most part already


Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
Nice rant BrockW. Everything you said still doesn't explain why Colorado and Wyoming still have strong deer and elk herds after 58 and 38 years respectively of having cwd. IF and I do mean IF this ailment is so dangerous, why haven't the deer and elk herds died off? Deer live what, 5-6 years in the wild and elk about 10-11. That equals 9 generations of deer in Colorado and almost 6 generations of elk. To be honest, I'm not buying the whole apocalyptic end of deer and elk scenario you and others want to put forth. In fact, I think the cwd argument is more interested in the money and political influence that comes with scaring the general public and particularly sportsmen into thinking all the deer are going to die. I say this because if you were really concerned about the deer and elk herds you would put an equal, if not more effort into the study and elimination of EHD. EHD is a real herd killer. When there is an outbreak of EHD, anyone can find the dead deer laying all around water sources. I found 9 carcasses on my own land alone when the last EHD outbreak hit ND with no problem whatsoever. Why can't we find the same thing for cwd? You love to bring scientific studies into this, but you can't quite grasp the fact that it doesn't matter how many studies you bring forth stating cwd kills deer and elk and claiming cwd will decimate deer and elk populations when simple observations indicate the herds are doing fine. All the banning, shooting, culling, astronomical tag numbers, special hunts, and whatever other hairbrained schemes were concocted to control this thing have FAILED MISERABLY! Interestingly enough, after all that and decades of screaming cwd is 100% fatal and will wipe out the deer and elk herds if not controlled, the deer and elk herds in those states with cwd are still there, still having fawns, and still doing what they do in spite of cwd. So, what gives? Why the full court press? Oh yes, now I remember. It might, could, maybe, perhaps, possibly affect people. Well after decades of people eating venison from herds that have cwd.............what happened? Are venison eating people stacked up in the hospitals and clinics? Maybe just a dozen or two? Sorry BrockW, I have zero confidence that cwd is anything other than a cash cow and political bludgeoning stick to impose an agenda on the public and particularily sportsmen. Go after EHD if you want to conserve deer and elk herds. More bang for your buck IMO. Carry On!
I think there’s some misconceptions in your “rant.”

There are some areas where deer herds are really struggling because of CWD. NW Kansas, Sask, parts of NE CO and Wy, and some localized areas in WI and AR.

I think we will start to see new areas like these pop up. But it will be a spectrum. Parts of Wisconsin and some of these states with insanely high deer numbers will likely be able to hide some of the impacts. But reports are growing. Areas with lower deer densities and more mule deer will see more noticeable changes.

Deer and elk can live longer than that. Multiple GPS collar studies show 13-14 yr old mule deer does bearing twins. Elk reaching mid to upper teens isn’t all that uncommon. But elk, at least in the data I’ve seen, seem to fair much better with this disease. Both at an individual level and at a population level.

I don’t think you should buy any apocalyptic end of deer or elk either. Again it will be a spectrum. Some populations get it really bad, others sort of stabilize at certain prevalence rates simply because of the size of the population and the ability for deer to reproduce even when they have the disease.

As far as EHD, First off it’s not contagious and it’s not 100% fatal. Deer can develop immunity and it doesn’t intensely affect mule deer, or elk really at all, and it’s temporary. Outbreaks are short and intense. But caring about CWD and EHD are not mutually exclusive conversations. The ND game and fish has participated in research for both diseases. There is ongoing research for both diseases. A vaccine has been developed for EHD, though it sounds like they’re still working out some kinks, and they haven’t gotten to a point where they can start working on a delivery system that would work for wild deer. But folks are working on it. Something important to remember with EHD. We know it’s been around for a LONG time. Documented instances back to the 1800s (virus wasn’t isolated until 1955). Deer populations across the nation have thrived in the face of EHD. Yeah, outbreaks have done significant damage in some locations and we’ll continue to see that. But they rebound because the disease is gone after freeze up. But again, overall, white tailed deer have absolutely thrived in the face of EHD.

CWD has only been on the landscape in high prevalences somewhat recently and the population impacts and dynamics are quite different. CWD doesn’t go away, there is no reprieve from this disease for cervids. It just sort of keeps getting worse and worse…. Very slowly.

I don’t think all efforts have failed miserably. I think your expectations were not in line with goals or predicted outcomes. I think it’s very easy to see some states have implemented management practices that have significantly changed course of disease compared to states or provinces that haven’t.

But I do get the heartburn over culling. It’s one I struggle with too sometimes. Has it been shown to be effective? Yes. But it doesn’t always work, and it doesn’t work forever. The sustainability of it is just not there. It’s hard for the public to accept (understandably) and even if it slows it for a few years or 10-15 years, after a while prevalence just seems to get to a point where culling isn’t as effective anymore. If you get on it right away and stay on it, it can certainly help. But like I said, once prevalence reaches a certain point, it’s sort of an exercise in futility.

I agree that it’s likely an extremely low risk to transfer to humans. But still a non zero chance. Prion diseases have jumped species before. That’s the way they work, host encoded prion diseases see strain emergence and host range expansion. But however unlikely it is, one of my greatest fears is that somebody does get it. Not even because I think it’s going to kill millions of people, quite the contrary. My guess is that if it does jump to humans, it will be like mad cow and only affect a few hundred people or something like.

But look at what was done with mad cow. 4.5 million cattle were destroyed over mad cow. Billions of dollars of economic damage, importation halts on meat, embargoes, it was a socio-economic disaster of epic proportions. And that was basicallly 30-40 years ago. Imagine what would happen if CWD is found to jump to humans or cattle today? You think the 5% of the American population that represents hunters is going to have any say in how the country proceeds? You think everyone’s going to ignore it? You think ranchers are gonna choose deer over their cattle? Non hunting folks are going to choose deer over their own kids? No, I think if that happens, hunters are not going to like the outcomes. Not one bit. I’m not trying to be an alarmist, maybe that never happens, but It already happened with cattle and BSE.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 9, 2015
keep going brock keep pushing your agenda, must not be going well since you have to come on this forum to push and try to scare people. Do you get paid while typing your lengthy responses? All your (ranting) make me think your full of BS.


Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018

I think that was the second? Article I clicked on. First was an 8 year old buck. Then I quit looking when I realized that both of those were over 3x the average lifespan of a deer in North Dakota.
Seriously? I think you better read that again. The article doesn’t say the deer had it for 9 years. It says a 9 yr old doe was found positive.

I hear these claims, but no one, not one person can present the EPI to prove it. If a farmed cervid tests positive, that’s recorded in state records. Records which should be available to the deer farmer and upon public information request to the public. That deer would be identified, quarantined, and documented. There would be a paper trail to prove that animal had the disease that long with all testing records. Yet, the EPI never materializes to show these claims are true.

It was kind of funny when Dusty was claiming in 2023 that apple creek had a deer that had the disease for 10 years. Apple creek had a cull in 2017 because of some positive does that had been transferred from another deer farm. They tested every animal on that ranch in 2017, culled the positives, and somehow in 2023 they had a doe that had the disease for 10 years. Thats mathematically impossible and no testing records to back up the claim. I checked.

Again, I hardly ever use the Covid deal.. probably my first time on here, maybe second?.. guessing I’ve brought it up less times than you’ve gotten boosters so it makes sense that you would get a little defensive about that Brock.
I don’t know man, it seems kind of pathetic that you have to make assertions like that. But since that seems to hold some sort of importance with you, I never got the jab. I got the c one niner and it knocked me on my ass for a month and I figured I had the antibodies after that. But I also don’t have super strong feelings about it and don’t judge people either way.
I’m on the road so I didn’t read all of your bullet points.. but guessing this sums it up “I’m right, you’re wrong, my science is better.”
Well….it is…

In your collar studies, don’t they collar and release deer even if they are CWD positive? That seems very unprofessional of a government agency.
Already a high prevalence area. And guys claiming “it doesn’t kill deer” or “there’s no proof it kills deer” is part of the reason they let them go after they’re positive. Because they know some portion of them will die from end stage disease and then they’ll have documented proof. It’s just too bad proof doesn’t matter for some folks. Again…the amoeba.
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Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
keep going brock keep pushing your agenda, must not be going well since you have to come on this forum to push and try to scare people. Do you get paid while typing your lengthy responses? All your (ranting) make me think you’re full of BS.
What and miss all this fun? Somebody has to keep you guys on your toes. Besides, I’m bored.

Next time come with an actual argument. Insults and accusations are flattering, but they are getting oh so dull…

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
Shit, thats a pretty good point Ive never even thought of before…… for a disease so deadly and an epidemic and one that will wipe out deer and oh my god the sky is falling….. why the fuck are they releasing collared deer known to have the CWD back into the wild? 😂😂😂 you can’t even make this shit up anymore. Either they are entirely full of shit or they are wreckless as all hell….. or they are both.

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
In 2023 and again last week Friday Charlie "UM UM" Bahnson said prions are on the surface where deer can access them and then they die. After some time, the prions percolate down where deer cannot access them.

Can Charlie "UM UM Bahnson" hear himself? Proteins are everywhere. Plants uptake proteins. Plants cannot recognize a protein from a mis-folded protein. To save all the deer, we need to kill all the deer.

But look at what was done with mad cow. 4.5 million cattle were destroyed over mad cow. Billions of dollars of economic damage, importation halts on meat, embargoes, it was a socio-economic disaster of epic proportions. And that was basicallly 30-40 years ago. Imagine what would happen if CWD is found to jump to humans or cattle today? You think the 5% of the American population that represents hunters is going to have any say in how the country proceeds? You think everyone’s going to ignore it? You think ranchers are gonna choose deer over their cattle? Non hunting folks are going to choose deer over their own kids? No, I think if that happens, hunters are not going to like the outcomes. Not one bit. I’m not trying to be an alarmist, maybe that never happens, but It already happened with cattle and BSE.
Feeding dead cow parts to live cows caused BSE. Cannibals in Papua ate people and got Kuru.

Don't do that the alarm and fear is over.

With the right marketing they have turned the prion into the most widely accepted theory.

Norway has decided they will not purchase hay from the USA unless it is certified from a CWD free zone. Wheat is a grass and customers like high protein. What if countries decide they will not take wheat if it is a CWD zone.

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
keep going brock keep pushing your agenda, must not be going well since you have to come on this forum to push and try to scare people. Do you get paid while typing your lengthy responses? All your (ranting) make me think you’re full of BS.
He is full of BS. Thats been pretty well established here. Im suprised he’s still trying here honestly as it’s pretty solidified not many are buying his snake oil.


Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
buying his snake oil.
It’s even worse than you think, Trip.

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
Shit, thats a pretty good point Ive never even thought of before…… for a disease so deadly and an epidemic and one that will wipe out deer and oh my god the sky is falling….. why the fuck are they releasing collared deer known to have the CWD back into the wild? 😂😂😂 you can’t even make this shit up anymore. Either they are entirely full of shit or they are wreckless as all hell….. or they are both.
The only way they can know helicopter captured animals have CWD is if they are already clinical or if they do a necropsy. Meaning dead. What Brock is failing to mention is they collared the animals and then vaccinated them. What they found was the vaccinated animals were 7 times more likely to die than unvaccinated animals.

In the report they didn't mention what was in the vaccine.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
I think there’s some misconceptions in your “rant.”
1st line: Takes a rant to counter a rant.
There are some areas where deer herds are really struggling because of CWD. NW Kansas, Sask, parts of NE CO and Wy, and some localized areas in WI and AR.

Lines 2-3: Prove that cwd is the causal agent in any of these locations. Stating these populations are struggling due to cwd doesn't make it so. How do we know these populations aren't struggling due to urban expansion, increased winter mortality, habitat loss, migrations, drought, or any number of other agents.
I think we will start to see new areas like these pop up. But it will be a spectrum. Parts of Wisconsin and some of these states with insanely high deer numbers will likely be able to hide some of the impacts. But reports are growing. Areas with lower deer densities and more mule deer will see more noticeable changes.
Line 4-6: Speculation. There is no evidence for this.
Deer and elk can live longer than that. Multiple GPS collar studies show 13-14 yr old mule deer does bearing twins. Elk reaching mid to upper teens isn’t all that uncommon. But elk, at least in the data I’ve seen, seem to fair much better with this disease. Both at an individual level and at a population level.
Line 7-9: Claiming data outliers as the average lifespan is misleading at best and deliberate data skewing at worst. Just because some people live to be 105 doesn't mean the lifespan of people is 105.
I don’t think you should buy any apocalyptic end of deer or elk either. Again it will be a spectrum. Some populations get it really bad, others sort of stabilize at certain prevalence rates simply because of the size of the population and the ability for deer to reproduce even when they have the disease.
Line 10-12: Which populations "got it real bad" and what were the results? Did the population crash like it does in EHD? What is this stabilized prevalence you speak of? Kind of like natural selection maybe?
As far as EHD, First off it’s not contagious and it’s not 100% fatal. Deer can develop immunity and it doesn’t intensely affect mule deer, or elk really at all, and it’s temporary. Outbreaks are short and intense. But caring about CWD and EHD are not mutually exclusive conversations. The ND game and fish has participated in research for both diseases. There is ongoing research for both diseases. A vaccine has been developed for EHD, though it sounds like they’re still working out some kinks, and they haven’t gotten to a point where they can start working on a delivery system that would work for wild deer. But folks are working on it. Something important to remember with EHD. We know it’s been around for a LONG time. Documented instances back to the 1800s (virus wasn’t isolated until 1955). Deer populations across the nation have thrived in the face of EHD. Yeah, outbreaks have done significant damage in some locations and we’ll continue to see that. But they rebound because the disease is gone after freeze up. But again, overall, white tailed deer have absolutely thrived in the face of EHD.
The EHD paragraph: So what if it's not 100% fatal. It has been proven to kill 20-40% of deer populations and the carcasses are readily found and documented. None of this has been shown in CWD. Yes EHD has been around for a long time, but I guess 58 years cwd has been around isn't a long time to you. Deer populations across the nation have indeed thrived in the face of EHD. Why do you declare they won't do the same in the face of cwd? Given that cwd hasn't been shown to be even close to decimating deer herds that EHD has.
CWD has only been on the landscape in high prevalences somewhat recently and the population impacts and dynamics are quite different. CWD doesn’t go away, there is no reprieve from this disease for cervids. It just sort of keeps getting worse and worse…. Very slowly.
Lines starting with CWD: Recently? as in 58 years? CWD doesn't go away huh. Well so what? EHD doesn't go away either it seems.
I don’t think all efforts have failed miserably. I think your expectations were not in line with goals or predicted outcomes. I think it’s very easy to see some states have implemented management practices that have significantly changed course of disease compared to states or provinces that haven’t.
Line 4-6 after CWD: What goals or predicted outcomes and where did you get these said items? Please show me where any implemented management practice has significantly changed the course of CWD. Baiting has been banned in Colorado and Wyoming for decades and yet cwd goes merrily marching on. Culling and shooting in Wisconsin and Minnesota did what again to contain cwd? Oh yeah......NOTHING.
But I do get the heartburn over culling. It’s one I struggle with too sometimes. Has it been shown to be effective? Yes. But it doesn’t always work, and it doesn’t work forever. The sustainability of it is just not there. It’s hard for the public to accept (understandably) and even if it slows it for a few years or 10-15 years, after a while prevalence just seems to get to a point where culling isn’t as effective anymore. If you get on it right away and stay on it, it can certainly help. But like I said, once prevalence reaches a certain point, it’s sort of an exercise in futility.
Line 7-12: First of all, you just said above that cwd doesn't go away, so if you believe that, why would you kill the deer that are still alive if doing so doesn't get rid of CWD? Additionally, where was culling done where it stopped the spread of cwd?
I agree that it’s likely an extremely low risk to transfer to humans. But still a non zero chance. Prion diseases have jumped species before. That’s the way they work, host encoded prion diseases see strain emergence and host range expansion. But however unlikely it is, one of my greatest fears is that somebody does get it. Not even because I think it’s going to kill millions of people, quite the contrary. My guess is that if it does jump to humans, it will be like mad cow and only affect a few hundred people or something like.
Line 13-17: How does your fear of cwd give you the right to dictate what others can or can not do or what they should or should not do? Aren't we all free to choose not to be afraid of cwd?
But look at what was done with mad cow. 4.5 million cattle were destroyed over mad cow. Billions of dollars of economic damage, importation halts on meat, embargoes, it was a socio-economic disaster of epic proportions. And that was basicallly 30-40 years ago. Imagine what would happen if CWD is found to jump to humans or cattle today? You think the 5% of the American population that represents hunters is going to have any say in how the country proceeds? You think everyone’s going to ignore it? You think ranchers are gonna choose deer over their cattle? Non hunting folks are going to choose deer over their own kids? No, I think if that happens, hunters are not going to like the outcomes. Not one bit. I’m not trying to be an alarmist, maybe that never happens, but It already happened with cattle and BSE.
Line 18 to end: They found out what caused mad cow and stopped that practice. When was the last time anyone was affected by mad cow. Mad cow is NOT the unknown that cwd is. Again, your fears about cwd don't give you the right to impose your fears on the rest of us. The rest of the paragraph is an emotional plea that is irrelevant to the conversation. It's speculation and you most certainly ARE trying to be an alarmist as there is NO EVIDENCE CWD can naturally infect cattle. Non hunters don't eat alot of venison so that statement is irrelevent. So how again are you not being an alarmist?


Established Member
Jan 6, 2023
Seriously? I think you better read that again. The article doesn’t say the deer had it for 9 years. It says a 9 yr old doe was found positive.

I hear these claims, but no one, not one person can present the EPI to prove it. If a farmed cervid tests positive, that’s recorded in state records. Records which should be available to the deer farmer and upon public information request to the public. That deer would be identified, quarantined, and documented. There would be a paper trail to prove that animal had the disease that long with all testing records. Yet, the EPI never materializes to show these claims are true.

It was kind of funny when Dusty was claiming in 2023 that apple creek had a deer that had the disease for 10 years. Apple creek had a cull in 2017 because of some positive does that had been transferred from another deer farm. They tested every animal on that ranch in 2017, culled the positives, and somehow in 2023 they had a doe that had the disease for 10 years. Thats mathematically impossible and no testing records to back up the claim. I checked.

I don’t know man, it seems kind of pathetic that you have to make assertions like that. But since that seems to hold some sort of importance with you, I never got the jab. I got the c one niner and it knocked me on my ass for a month and I figured I had the antibodies after that. But I also don’t have super strong feelings about it and don’t judge people either way.

Well….it is…

Already a high prevalence area. And guys claiming “it doesn’t kill deer” or “there’s no proof it kills deer” is part of the reason they let them go after they’re positive. Because they know some portion of them will die from end stage disease and then they’ll have documented proof. It’s just too bad proof doesn’t matter for some folks. Again…the amoeba.
So why did it take 9 years for the doe to catch it in the environment she was in..

kind of public record like the prion picture everyone has been waiting on

I’ll admit I made an assumption and assumed wrong! I’m glad you believe in letting nature run its courses with contagious diseases and that maybe natural immunity can become prevalent and carry a population through! It wasn’t much fun when I lost my smell either..

Still seems pretty irresponsible. It would be like a cop giving someone a dui and then having them drive home to prove that impaired driving isn’t a good thing without caring about the consequences.. I think we know how negatively and utterly ridiculous that scenario would be though.

animals die every day from a multitude of things Brock. You’re still dealing in hypotheticals as is the department while concerned sportsmen are bringing up actual in hand consequences and results of things the department itself documents as being a huge detriment to our herds population in the here and now and yet spend a fraction of the time and effort and money to attempt to fix.


Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
1st line: Takes a rant to counter a rant.
I can appreciate at that.
Lines 2-3: Prove that cwd is the causal agent in any of these locations. Stating these populations are struggling due to cwd doesn't make it so. How do we know these populations aren't struggling due to urban expansion, increased winter mortality, habitat loss, migrations, drought, or any number of other agents.
The analysis and research has been done and continues to be done. Most of which is out there for public consumption.
Line 4-6: Speculation. There is no evidence for this.
Yes, to some degree it is. But there is reports of this taking place in small patches of Wisconsin. And the population studies and personal accounts seem to kind of corroborate. Those big robust pops east of the Mississippi just seem more durable.

Line 7-9: Claiming data outliers as the average lifespan is misleading at best and deliberate data skewing at worst. Just because some people live to be 105 doesn't mean the lifespan of people is 105.
Wasn’t my intention, might’ve misunderstood what you were getting at.
Line 10-12: Which populations "got it real bad" and what were the results? Did the population crash like it does in EHD? What is this stabilized prevalence you speak of? Kind of like natural selection maybe?
Recorded high prevalence, significantly lowered individual annual survivability, landowner and game and fish reports of reduced age structure that could not be accounted for even when accounting for increased harvest. Sustained lowered populations in localized areas, seeing sick deer on the landscape.

The EHD paragraph: So what if it's not 100% fatal. It has been proven to kill 20-40% of deer populations and the carcasses are readily found and documented. None of this has been shown in CWD. Yes EHD has been around for a long time, but I guess 58 years cwd has been around isn't a long time to you. Deer populations across the nation have indeed thrived in the face of EHD. Why do you declare they won't do the same in the face of cwd? Given that cwd hasn't been shown to be even close to decimating deer herds that EHD has.
Well, in the GPS collar population studies, that doesn’t seem to be statistically possible once high prevalence is reached. The analysis has been done several times on several herds, east and west. Again, some are more durable than others.

But they don’t all die the same week. Slow growth in prevalence, exponential growth curve towards the end. That’s generally what prevalence looks like over time. So population is taking hits slowly over sustained period of time. Some get worse than others.
Lines starting with CWD: Recently? as in 58 years? CWD doesn't go away huh. Well so what? EHD doesn't go away either it seems.
First found in the wild in 1981….

Line 4-6 after CWD: What goals or predicted outcomes and where did you get these said items? Please show me where any implemented management practice has significantly changed the course of CWD. Baiting has been banned in Colorado and Wyoming for decades and yet cwd goes merrily marching on. Culling and shooting in Wisconsin and Minnesota did what again to contain cwd? Oh yeah......NOTHING.
Well I think, considering how long they’ve had the disease, there are places that got as bad or worse in a shorter time period or are on that trajectory.

See what I said about culling in the previous post.

Line 7-12: First of all, you just said above that cwd doesn't go away, so if you believe that, why would you kill the deer that are still alive if doing so doesn't get rid of CWD? Additionally, where was culling done where it stopped the spread of cwd?
Culling stopped CWD in the wild in New York.
Slowed spread for several years in Illinois (but again, after a while it doesn’t work anymore). I think there’s some other states that have been able to record drops in prevalence with increased mortality.

Again, see previous post for my thoughts on culling.

Line 13-17: How does your fear of cwd give you the right to dictate what others can or can not do or what they should or should not do? Aren't we all free to choose not to be afraid of cwd?
I don’t fear it and don’t mean to be an alarmist, like I stated previously. It’s never been shown to transmit to humans or cattle. That’s an important distinction. That is fact.

I guess I’m saying, from a personal standpoint, the more I understand these prion diseases and how prions work, the weirder they get. It’s actually a very fascinating EPI when you start thinking about it.

Line 18 to end: They found out what caused mad cow and stopped that practice. When was the last time anyone was affected by mad cow. Mad cow is NOT the unknown that cwd is. Again, your fears about cwd don't give you the right to impose your fears on the rest of us. The rest of the paragraph is an emotional plea that is irrelevant to the conversation. It's speculation and you most certainly ARE trying to be an alarmist as there is NO EVIDENCE CWD can naturally infect cattle. Non hunters don't eat alot of venison so that statement is irrelevent. So how again are you not being an alarmist?
Yes, they ingested prions. So they implemented regulations and stopped producing and selling products for human consumption that had prions in it.

I sincerely don’t mean to be an alarmist. Truly. But I’m not kiddin, these prions are weird little buggers. When you sit down and really think about what they are, how they work, and what they do. It’s kind of crazy to think about!

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