As I see it, it basically would mean that if a guy has a half a mile square piece of land and plunks down a 10X10 storage building right in the dead center of the land, regardless of if the land is posted or not, you couldn't hunt it. It also opens the door to include your own land as they remove the statement "upon the premises of another". What a mess this would make. Urban hunting would be a thing of the past. It would be illegal to hunt any patch of trees that has a building on it. I would guess even an old abandoned house with no roof or falling down barn would qualify. Even old grain bins and graineries might be included. Railroad buildings, rural water buildings, oil company buildings, utility company buildings, you name it could be included here if I read it right. You think finding hunting spots is difficult now? If this passes it might be darn near impossible, which I would guess is the whole point of this measure. Carry On.