There's always going to be something that pisses school administrators off as they try to save the world. Girls at home say it's the male teachers who seem to have the biggest issues with it, not other students. If someone who shouldn't be wearing them wears them, so what. If they want to make an ass of themselves, let them. I think it's time schools spent their time worrying about giving the kids an education instead of trying to blame their failures and wasting their time that's paid with my tax dollars on stupid crap like this. And like our girls say, if they can't wear these, then guys shouldn't be allowed to wear tight exercise shorts (bicycle shorts) and wrestlers those tight uniforms. If tight stuff is inappropriate for them, it should be for all. I think the schools should just be damn glad the kids came to school and worry less about this kind of crap. Their job is to TEACH kids. That's what we pay them for. So quit worrying about how they dress and start worrying about the piss poor education you've been giving them.
You're right, let the kids do what they want; all the teachers should worry about is educating.
Sarcasm button.