3's a charm, right?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
NW ND somewhere
Just like the title says, 3's a charm right? Been hunting hard all week of thanksgiving week as it was my vacation time. After missing about 300 yds shot in the grasslands on 11/20, didn't go out on Wed, as we had dense fog, so took that day off, Thanksgiving morning rolls around Im out the door at 7 am, heading to a plots I have always hunted in the past. Come upon a buck and doe running if field next to the house and of course, in the no shooting zone, they stopped at the back fence, knowning I knew where they were heading, I hurried up parked the truck, grab my gear and go cut them off. There's a coulee right behind the house with stock dam, I first get busted by 4 does, thinking aw shit, done deal, I stand there just looking around, in the distance, about 8 more does pop up over a hill in this coulee watched them, as the went out of line of sight, I was pondering on what to do next, when a doe comes into sight right about at the dam, so I kneel down....yup, right behind her the buck is following, I position myself to get into shooting position, place crosshairs on him, but he's moving, freaking bushes get in the line of fire, then the move out of line of sight, I get up, make a beeline around the edge of coulee, and try get up right on top of them....worked to a T....busted the doe, she went on direction, buck goes another, raise the gun, put crosshairs on him, he's in the bushes making a get away, pull the trigger, he acted like he got hit, and went down. I started to go down this coulee to where I thought he had went down, I see horns moving in the bushes, didn't have time to raise the gun as he was already in thicker stuff, so sit there watching to see if comes up out of the coulee.....no dice. So I get down and check out about where I first shot, no blood, nothing....schitz, must have hit tree again. Go home , have turkey, come back to look for him. Not good, End of day.

Friday was more just driving around checking out other spots, saw nothing.

Petra gave me some waypoints on some spots to check out east of town, down around Iverson road, Huffland wildlife management area, so that where I headed sat morning...again, saw nothing in that area, decide to check out some other plots and a state school section north of all this, come to find out the state school land is closed to hunting, the plots didn't look to interesting, so I headed back to willyville.

After lunch, thought I'd better go back out to plots I've hunted for years again see how many hunters are out there, its 1:30, drive down a well road, ah oh, see little forkie right along the road, watched him head for cover, but you know how the little bucks are, they always stopping to check to see if you following them....lol....so that was a pass

So there's anothe short trail that goes up to a coulee draw and then there's another coulee draw much bigger on the othe side of the first one, thinking ah what the hell, its last weekend, nobody really out here, decided to suit up and check it out. Get up and out of the first coulee draw, there's a fence thats between the two draws, I'm sitting there looking around, when my eye caught something to the south of me in the draw that looks like a deer standing there, raise the binos...yyuuuppppp deer...and oh boy its a buck and he looks wide but not the tall, so I kneel down focusing on him the whole time, he starts to come my direction, so told myelf, as soon as he gets in my comfortable shooting range so I think, I'm ablazeing away. This fence has wood post and those metals ones, I decided I better use the metal one of bracing.
Get him in my crosshair, let one fly, miss...take aim again, miss...he now knows someones fling lead at him so he starts going up hill away from me, I place the crosshair right on his back......AAAWHACK!! Hey I think I hit something, he goes down, I then see a couple of does and another buck about the same size running up the hill. I didn't realize there were more in this draw, seeing the buck got me thinking it was the one I shot....no way this can't be happening....so I grab my binos, glassing around the hill in the area I shot the buck.....there he lays, right where he stopped, here I thought he got up and headed out, with my luck, that would be the case.
I field dressed him, went back to the truck, got the sled, and tried to make the trip back, I got 3/4 ways out of the draw about 25 yds from the top, I couldn't go anymore, made some phone calls, couple of brothers I have known for years come out and helped me out, I owe them big time, Shot him at 3, home hanging by 6:30.

Shot at 3 deer, hit the third deer on the third shot.....you make the call.
How'd I get so lucky with a junglar shot like that??? Dunno know, pretty wild odds
My hunting adventure of 2018 in a nutshell.

PS...Petra thanks for all your help!!! He's a hell of a guy.





Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Now THAT'S a story!!!!! Nice Job Mort and Thanks!! I could picture the hunt and am quite jealous right now. (Grin)


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Apr 24, 2016
Northern AZ
Well done Mort!

Looks like you have a lot of good meals coming along with stories to tell during them.

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