Recent content by johnr

  1. johnr

    Dakota Waters Tournament?

  2. johnr

    Public land transfer bill

    There are very few conservatives in our state Republican offices. They really only label themselves with the republican brand.
  3. johnr


    Guessing a 4 inch hail stone whacks you in the noodle, you are probably not getting back up, maybe ever.
  4. johnr

    Toughest man in pro sports

    Killed Kirby, might not be enough money to be taking those face shots.
  5. johnr

    Camping food

    Oscar Meyer is your friend. We used to pack steaks and higher end stuff, seemed the easy stuff always went first, after being in the sun and boat all day, motivation to make a bigger meal looses its zest.
  6. johnr

    Fish recycling!

    I left a box of worms under the boat tarp 2 weeks ago, untarped the boat 6 days later to my surprise was my little box of crawlers, I immediately had mrs johnr check them...haha, she puked. Cant imagine this slurry when the time comes... Video it for us please, or sell tickets and we can all see...
  7. johnr

    Mussel parasites

    So dead mussels are bad?
  8. johnr

    Mussel parasites

    I didn't read any of it, but would guess dead or sick zebra mussels is a good thing. The gulf of Mexico was expected to never recover for at least 50 years after the BP oil spill, guess what happened, science was wrong, and mother nature cured it within one short season. Really makes me trust...
  9. johnr


    102* in Dickinson right now, even with the smoke in the air. Imaging it would be even hotter without it.
  10. johnr

    Yellowstone - Biscuit Basin

    too many people pissing out of their boats and into the lake.
  11. johnr

    Fishing must be good here!

    We are much more welcoming on the west river side of the state, I don't believe I have ever even checked someone's license on their pickup or boat. Them east river guys are a bunch of bullies, and think pretty highly of themselves. 😘
  12. johnr

    Fishing must be good here!

    I forgot about the marker buoy, I had one stole back in the day.
  13. johnr

    Cave exploration

    I have gone into water filled caves, but was a snorkel event, not a dive so to speak, was really cool. this was in Cancun last winter
  14. johnr


    Winter wheat harvest has begun in western ND (Gods country)
  15. johnr

    Favorite comedian

    Dave Chappelle
  16. johnr

    Camping in bear country

    GNF at it again
  17. johnr

    Property Tax Credit

    Is property tax going to be on the ballot?
  18. johnr

    I know you guys will like this

    All true points, however I live in Western ND, and thus far have not seen this type of harassment out of our popo. I have 2 living on my street, and am glad for it.
  19. johnr

    Funeral music

    He claims without it he would for sure be dead, as he would have been boozing otherwise, which of course is way worser for your organs and such.
  20. johnr

    I know you guys will like this

    I always comply, and find it a nice easy process. Never had issues in all these years of driving/adulting.
  21. johnr

    Caitlin Clark?!?

    Another great response.
  22. johnr

    Caitlin Clark?!?

  23. johnr

    Water Levels

    I too rather have the water higher, than not
  24. johnr

    Caitlin Clark?!?

    Lesbians have a strong dislike for non lesbians, especially when they are over shadowing them in every aspect.
  25. johnr

    Kevin Costner's Horizon movie

  26. johnr

    I know you guys will like this

    What's the gist, I don't have 30 minutes to watch?
  27. johnr

    DirectTV Tailgate dish Qs

    If you can hot spot your phone, you should be able to get all streaming with a smart TV, or use a ROKU
  28. johnr

    Can you say recession

    I am not one of these 10, so not big shoting myself. But I am one that owes nothing on my toys, and haven’t for years.
  29. johnr

    Can you say recession

    You might be right, we have 31 seasonal spots at the campground, I know 10 of the families personally, these 10 do not have loans on their set up, a few of them upgrade almost annually, as they cannot spend their stash fast enough. Meaning there is such a huge pile, they wouldn’t be able to blow...
  30. johnr

    Can you say recession

    You and Joe suck
  31. johnr

    Can you say recession

    Shut up retard.. even you know that is in spite of sleepy joe
  32. johnr

    Can you say recession

    McKenzie bay, probably 75%
  33. johnr

    Can you say recession

    I know of several people, not me, but some good buddies that have millions in the bank, and millions in toys/homes/cabins/winter homes. It is a lot more than one would think. Most people of middle income means would not be qualified to get $500,000 in toy loans, in addition to their homes, and...
  34. johnr

    Can you say recession

    Why fly a kite when you can just pop a pill..? College experience is part of the learning, sure would hate to live my life always needing to pinch that last penny. Sometimes a excursion on one of our vacations is way more than I want to spend, but when over I have never said to mrs johnr, damn...
  35. johnr

    Can you say recession

    And multiple trips to the chiropractor.
  36. johnr

    Can you say recession

    Horse or 2, huge trailer, and a diesel pickup to pull it, saddles, harness, vet visits, hay, wear and tear on all that shit, and entry fees, etc. a rodeo kid will blow through $40,000 a season, not counting all the other hidden shit I dont know of.
  37. johnr

    Can you say recession

    Rodeo is the highest by over double any other sport, and then some
  38. johnr

    Can you say recession

    Biden doesn't lie
  39. johnr

    new bbq thermometer suggestions...

    Bump on a new Thermometer for the lake. This last weekend we had a group cook out, and I did my homemade fries. However my oil on the first batch was not to temp, using a turkey fryer with small pan option. I have always just dropped a fry in and if it was a boiling figured we were good. A...
  40. johnr

    Best Scene: Hell Or High Water

    Decent movie? one to watch?
  41. johnr


    Sounds like with our labor shortage he could work for the state?
  42. johnr


    Try living in oil country, the ND plate is the minority.

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