You aren’t alone. I get this way too. I chalk it up to just the pure volume of things I have going on at the moment and trying to juggle as much as I do. I need to start writing things down otherwise I forget or space things out. A guy only has so much time he can spend thinking about all the things that need attention that often times things go overlooked or there’s not enough time to consider everything, thats when I make errors or things get spaced out. Frustrating but not sure how to change it with all that I have going on. I figure as long as I don’t space my kids out and make them a priority the other shit will figure itself out in the end.I feel my mind is like a teenager again, I'm close to the half century mark, where I feel I'm going too fast and it's causing me to forget things. I have never been diagnosed with add or adhd but I know have it, parents never believed in medication so the old man was hard on me because of it. Ugh it sucks sometimes, and can be quite expensive.