This morning went to elevator and loaded side by side with corn (600#) along with some alfalfa bales for weekly trip to one of our food plots. Have found a few sheds at plot and hope was to find one of the larger ones. Put corn down and spread hay on top. Search by stand and no sheds. Drove east and south. Son glass the area and said there was a shed laying to the south. Did not find match there but then went north. Again son glass and came inside and was smiling. Said other side back at stand in fact we went by it by about 50 feet.
This shed not the biggest but in the top five of deer we had in that area. Largest one about two months went to neighbor's plot as it did last year. One disappear but three did stay with us. Would of score gross in high 150 or maybe into the 160 with a net around mid 150. Between the two of us and at another stand next to this one i feel we spent at least 60 days in the stand with our bows. Not once did it come up in time to harvest. But last month it has been coming up most of the night and day along with others including the other two (5x5) that will score in the same area.
For us it is a big thing as we are involved big time in white tails with hunting, feeding, plots, camera, ect. Did not harvest this one or any of the other big ones but that is ok as we now have one of the sheds and the deer for next year. Hope they grow and already are working on making it more attractive for them at our sites. Be nice to keep the moose away and an occasion elk.
life is good. db
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