Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
Anyone know why Brock and company are blocking anyone with a differing opinion or stating facts refuting their claims and cherry picked data on their Facebook page? Maybe Brock can come on here and tell everyone why instead of having a dialogue on the best path forward they simply block your voice so only their narrative is shown….wouldnt those who actually want what’s best for the deer be willing to have a meaningful dialogue??? .😆😂 where’s Elon musk and doge when you need em 🤷🏼


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
Got hoodwinked by that organization when it first came to ND. One good thing that came about was I had the opportunity to meet and talk with prairie ghost on hunting and fishing of every shape and color it seemed and had a few beers to boot. That conversation was very beneficial for me. Then the true narrative and purpose that organization supports came to light and I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I'm still kind of embarrassed I got suckered in. Live and Learn I guess.


Established Member
Jan 6, 2023
Anyone know why Brock and company are blocking anyone with a differing opinion or stating facts refuting their claims and cherry picked data on their Facebook page? Maybe Brock can come on here and tell everyone why instead of having a dialogue on the best path forward they simply block your voice so only their narrative is shown….wouldnt those who actually want what’s best for the deer be willing to have a meaningful dialogue??? .😆😂 where’s Elon musk and doge when you need em 🤷🏼
The side that sits at the table with the department as a sportsmen org is blocking sportsmens opinions on a public page..


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
Anyone know why Brock and company are blocking anyone with a differing opinion or stating facts refuting their claims and cherry picked data on their Facebook page? Maybe Brock can come on here and tell everyone why instead of having a dialogue on the best path forward they simply block your voice so only their narrative is shown….wouldnt those who actually want what’s best for the deer be willing to have a meaningful dialogue??? .😆😂 where’s Elon musk and doge when you need em 🤷🏼

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
At the national level these non-profit NGO's are bilking the taxpayers.

  • Across BLM-managed lands in the West, $2.5 million will be used to employ and manage a team of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers’ (BHA) field staff to inventory, modify, and remove fences on BLM lands in areas of identified need. The partnership will also include BHA members, supporters, and corporate partners to assist with fence work.
  • In New Mexico, $1.8 million will fund a partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to support project work through its Pecos Watershed Conservation Initiative and Southern Plains Grassland Program. These established NFWF programs support the goals of BLM's Restore New Mexico program to restore and maintain rangelands.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation......busted

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation high salary scandal exposed amid federal funding controversy​

Jeffrey Trandahl, earned a salary of $1,211,150 during the fiscal year from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023.

Look here DOGE.


Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
My ears were ringing, so I figured I’d better pop in a see what’s going on.

The irony and hypocrisy of thread is kind of funny. hunters and anglers – for general operating support&sort=relevance&current_page=1&_grant_search=backcountry hunters and anglers

Brock likes to say the North Dakota Chapter of BHA is supported by members only.

William and Flora Hewlett are such good philanthropists. Almost $4 million. For environment.
And that is from just one Foundation.
NDBHA is absolutely supported by members only. Well, gun raffles and other traditional fund raising efforts at the chapter level too. But like I stated previously, our chapter has never taken a penny from a grant. Is there an echo in here?

Fritz, You really think we would be bothering with selling raffle tickets if we were recipients of million dollar grants? I mean really? The logic behind that thinking is…well a little puzzling to say the least.

Who would’ve thought, Fritz… I’d go to school with your kids and then grow up to drive a 2012 truck with 160k miles on it while being accused of hiding all this money!

Funny stuff…but that’s about all the entertainment I can handle for one day.

Later boys!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
My ears were ringing, so I figured I’d better pop in a see what’s going on.

The irony and hypocrisy of thread is kind of funny.

NDBHA is absolutely supported by members only. Well, gun raffles and other traditional fund raising efforts at the chapter level too. But like I stated previously, our chapter has never taken a penny from a grant. Is there an echo in here?

Fritz, You really think we would be bothering with selling raffle tickets if we were recipients of million dollar grants? I mean really? The logic behind that thinking is…well a little puzzling to say the least.

Who would’ve thought, Fritz… I’d go to school with your kids and then grow up to drive a 2012 truck with 160k miles on it while being accused of hiding all this money!

Funny stuff…but that’s about all the entertainment I can handle for one day.

Later boys!
Why did you block me from viewing your public facebook page today? I haven't even posted anything on it in awhile. I also tried to join your private NDBHA page and you denied my request....twice!

Clearly you blocked me from both pages because now they don't even show up in my search on FB. Are you a dictator in that group now or what? Why are you afraid of a fellow sportsman having access to your public page?


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Mar 9, 2021
The only puzzling logic I see here is the assertion that any BHA chapter is somehow completely financially independent from the national organization. Website development and hosting costs money, and every chapter has a landing page on the BHA site.



Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
It would appear that corruption has slithered its tentacles into every aspect of our country and lives. Try to publish research contradictory to the lefts climate change and it will suffer the same destiny as a conservative post on Facebook in the 2020 election cycle.

I can respect some of the good ideas that BCHA has but like the unions that starred out protecting workers today chokes the goose laying the golden egg. So many organizations that I once admired are like playing on the teetertotter with kid that gets fatter every day until your left hanging in the air. The once down to earth organization smells money like the mouse smells the cheese at the end of the maze and they end up sliding politically to the side they can parasitise the most.

The old democrat party I could respect on some things, but not since 1980. The national BCHA financially contributed to the democrats in 2020. I don't know about the last election. The problem is democrats, many Republicans, sportsman's organizations, ag groups like Farm Bureau began to think only of themselves and become to radical. As I have said a person has to choose between the lesser of two evils. If not the worst may win. The problem is when I look at the fat kid on the BCHA side of the teetertotter and the fat kid on the Farm Bureau side of the teetertotter all I see is a broke teetertotter.

I think The National Rifle Association creates some problems so we will send more Money. I remember the head of the NRA on tv when we had the big debate about Saturday night specials. He pulled a Colt Python from under his suit jacket thinking he was showing the public that Saturday night specials were not a problem. What he did was make the ignorant think all handguns should be banned. The parasites will find their niche.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
Every national organization is about one thing, MONEY! They don't give 2 shits about the cause they were originally fighting for once they get on the gravy train it's all about keeping that gravy flowing and increasing it. If you really want to support wildlife and outdoor sports join your local sportsmans club or do whatever you can on your own!


Honored Member
Feb 9, 2018
It would appear that corruption has slithered its tentacles into every aspect of our country and lives. Try to publish research contradictory to the lefts climate change and it will suffer the same destiny as a conservative post on Facebook in the 2020 election cycle.

I can respect some of the good ideas that BCHA has but like the unions that starred out protecting workers today chokes the goose laying the golden egg. So many organizations that I once admired are like playing on the teetertotter with kid that gets fatter every day until your left hanging in the air. The once down to earth organization smells money like the mouse smells the cheese at the end of the maze and they end up sliding politically to the side they can parasitise the most.

The old democrat party I could respect on some things, but not since 1980. The national BCHA financially contributed to the democrats in 2020. I don't know about the last election. The problem is democrats, many Republicans, sportsman's organizations, ag groups like Farm Bureau began to think only of themselves and become to radical. As I have said a person has to choose between the lesser of two evils. If not the worst may win. The problem is when I look at the fat kid on the BCHA side of the teetertotter and the fat kid on the Farm Bureau side of the teetertotter all I see is a broke teetertotter.

I think The National Rifle Association creates some problems so we will send more Money. I remember the head of the NRA on tv when we had the big debate about Saturday night specials. He pulled a Colt Python from under his suit jacket thinking he was showing the public that Saturday night specials were not a problem. What he did was make the ignorant think all handguns should be banned. The parasites will find their niche.
501(c)(3)’s can’t donate to political parties, campaigns or politicians in general that’s illegal.

Only 501C4’s or pacs can do that. A C4 can’t donate directly to politicians. They can only make political expenditures, so taking out advertisements like TV ads things like that.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
BrockW. You remind me of Kamala Harris. When questioned you just laugh and think people will forget the question. Once people find out that you and your organization are just political activists, Backward Communist Humpers and Angry slurers will go the same way Kamala did. Enjoy the ride.


Established Member
Jan 6, 2023
My ears were ringing, so I figured I’d better pop in a see what’s going on.

The irony and hypocrisy of thread is kind of funny.

NDBHA is absolutely supported by members only. Well, gun raffles and other traditional fund raising efforts at the chapter level too. But like I stated previously, our chapter has never taken a penny from a grant. Is there an echo in here?

Fritz, You really think we would be bothering with selling raffle tickets if we were recipients of million dollar grants? I mean really? The logic behind that thinking is…well a little puzzling to say the least.

Who would’ve thought, Fritz… I’d go to school with your kids and then grow up to drive a 2012 truck with 160k miles on it while being accused of hiding all this money!

Funny stuff…but that’s about all the entertainment I can handle for one day.

Later boys!
Brock, it was always entertainment for me on big game hunting north dakota and following the public NDBHA pages posts and how little you could accept criticism/facts from across the aisle on there.. Apparently if somethung doesn't fit their narrative they pull a page from the departments hand book (3F2) and just move on from it.

Censorship on a public page.. 🥲🥲 gonna miss ya buddy, it usually gave me a bit of good humor.. Mostly just a head ache though.

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
501(c)(3)’s can’t donate to political parties, campaigns or politicians in general that’s illegal.

Only 501C4’s or pacs can do that. A C4 can’t donate directly to politicians. They can only make political expenditures, so taking out advertisements like TV ads things like that.

Brock you are correct. And 501(C)4's can lobby Congress while personnel from government agencies cannot wear their uniform and lobby Congress for more and more deficit spending.

BHA is a member of Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is not an agency, it is a 501(C)6 non-profit NGO.

ND is in the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. A 501(C)4 non-profit corporation.

As a 501(C)4 non-profit corporation WAFWA has its affiliates or orgs like BHA testify before Congress to beggar for more deficit spending.

WAFWA has committees or boiler rooms of ideas.

WAFWA has a Health Committee. They wrote the Best Management Practices, 111 pages in 2017 and the 1st Supplement, 22 pages in 2019 to include taxidermy, meat processing and disposal into their orbit of influence. All supporting data no science. The wildlife health committee is a panel of 28. They are not scientists, academic researchers or experts. Everyone needs to open the link below and have a peek. for website - do not delete&p=true&ga=1

AFWA and BHA and others lobbied Congress for the CWD Research and Management Act. $420 of deficit spending. There is no mechanism to pay for it. Borrowed money. Placed into the Omnibus Spending Bill December 23, 2022 it passed. To date it has not been funded. I talked to Nick Pinizotto, chairman of National Deer Association a couple days ago in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and he said they have gotten $17.5 million. Divided equally between research and these surveillance and monitoring efforts.

National Deer Association is a member of AFWA and Nick did in fact testify before Congress CWD is very scary and we need money. Watching that was crazy, legislators kept confusing CWD with EHD.

The $420 million will go to USDA and be given out in the form of grants. So, what is the criteria to get a grant? There is a great inertia behind the best management practices and it somehow became included in USDA program. Page 6

I know, weird huh? These guys are good. They are writing their own criteria to receive the grants. Remember, the WAFWA is a non-profit corporation. Had private industry pulled this off they would have been accused of corporate capture. And regulatory capture.

They wrote the Bill, they lobbied for the Bill, they wrote the criteria to receive the money, but they do not have a lock on that money coming back to themselves. If another came in and grant wrote a better plan or if someone wrote it's a bacterium not a prion and convinced USDA to divert their money, they could watch their best laid plans evaporate.

What does the CWD Research and Management Act say?

$70 million per year divided equally between research and surveillance and monitoring. We all get that. However, read the last sentence:

(3) SET-ASIDE FOR WILDLIFE AGENCIES.—Of the funds used to carry out subsection (c), not less than 75 percent shall be used to provide direct financial assistance to eligible entities described in subsection (a)(3)(B).

It's written in government speak and reads like an equation. Does it say the state wildlife agencies are guaranteed 75%? Maybe 75% of the $35 million? Is that like an earmark?

Hey DOGE, there is a big fat rock here that you need to look under.

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