obi, that is obtuse to say the least. $300/hour is actual privately retained attorney rates. the standard government rate for contracted attorneys in ND is $75/hour... you know, the folks with 6 figure tuition bills and a minimum of 7 years of school. they aren't charging the same rates for their paralegals, accountants nor their office assistants. and, you are missing the point of the rant... the point was that the actual hourly rate paid to the actual workers is but a small fraction of the actual cost of doing business. and if you aren't able to do business... to your fullest potential and maximize your profits... because you can't find laborers... because you don't pay a competitive wage v flipping burgers, maybe re-examine your business model and pay your laborers more... and hell... pass the extra cost on to the customer for all i care. after all, if you are already charging $100/hour/hammer, the customer won't give a fuck if you charge $110... especially if he knows the extra $10 is going to the man swinging the hammer and the work is going to get done.